Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 20(2010) s821-s825 In-situ observation of crystal detachment behavior in NH4Cl-H2O system from chilling metal surface with vibration ZHANG Ying(张... 2010; accepted 12 July 2010 Abstract:The crystal detachment behaviors from a chilling solid surface with vibration were investigated using a transparent NH4Cl-70%H2O alloy. The nucleation......
Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 23(2013) 1583-1588 Detachment of interfacial layers during arc-brazing of aluminum alloy to carbon steel with filler wire Hong-gang DONG, Wen-jin HU, Xu-chao ZHANG... between the detached layer and the interfacial layer, accelerating further detachment of the Fe-rich layer. The detached layer diffuses and migrates gradually into the weld upon solidification......
胶东牟乳成矿带板块碰撞成矿作用及找矿方向杨喜安1,赵国春1,刘家军1,宋玉波2,董汉文1,高建伟2(1.北京市地质大学地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室2.山东金洲矿业集团有限公司)摘 要:胶东牟乳成矿带位于山东半岛的东部,控矿构造为一系列近似平行且等间距的NNE向的断层.对胶东胶莱盆地,东西向构造,牟乳成矿带及其西部变质核杂岩区的金矿床的控矿构造特征进行了研究,并对牟乳成矿带及其西部变质杂岩区的金矿床的成矿时代,地球化学特征进行了对比.研究表明,胶东胶莱盆地,东西向断裂,牟乳成矿带及其西部变质核杂岩区金矿床的控......
particle size apparatus. The results show that PAM is a highly effective additive for the preparation of ATO nanometer material, which not only speeds up the detachment speed between the phases of solid... than 10 nm, and the filtration time is shortened to 1/10. Key words: antimony-doped tin dioxide (ATO); macomolecular polyacrylamide (PAM); hard aggregation; detachment speed  ......
; high temperature plastic deformation; stress exponent; activation energy; dislocation detachment  ..., ROSLER et al[1-2] reported a new concept in explaining the creep behavior of dispersion reinforced alloys. The creep rate controlled by thermally activated detachment of dislocations from dispersed......
镁合金板材冲压性能与冲压工艺研究进展 潘复生1,汪凌云1,黄光杰1,徐伟1,刘天模1,黄光胜1 (1.重庆大学材料科学与工程学院,重庆,400030) 摘要:镁合金板材冲压件在笔记本电脑,手机,数码相机等电子产品和交通工具上将有极大的应用前景,近年来逐渐成为国内外关注的焦点之一.从镁合金板材的材料特点值,工艺试验,板材冲压性能的改善及二次成形等方面综述了其最新研究进展,并提出了进一步的研究方向. 关键词:镁合金; 板材; 冲压性能; 冲压工艺; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
新型冲压用钢的开发与展望 王章忠1 (1.南京工程学院材料工程系,江苏,南京,210013) 摘要:详细讨论了新型冲压用钢--无间隙元素(IF)冲压用钢的成分,组织结构与基本特性之间的关系与规律,介绍了IF钢的发展状况,指出了这种新型钢材应用的重要意义. 关键词:冲压用钢; IF钢; 冷轧钢板; 间隙元素; 织构; [全文内容正在添加中] ......