命减小.SEM断口扫描发现,断裂表面有很多的解理面,但没有疲劳条带,且此断裂模式下没有明显的塑性变形,所以FGH95合金的低周疲劳寿命几乎是由裂纹萌生阶段决定的. 关键词:镍基粉末冶金FGH95合金; 拉伸性能; 低周疲劳; 应变率影响; 温度效应; 断裂模式; nickel-base powder metallurgy superalloy FGH95; tensile property...镍基粉末冶金FGH95高温合金的拉伸及低周疲劳性能研究 岳珠峰1,杨治国1,崔伟华1,万建松1 (1.西北工业大学,陕西西安,710072) 摘要:在420~650℃的温度范围内,研究了PM FGH95高温合金在应变率0.0001~0.01 s-1范围内的拉伸性能及在不同应力比R=-1及R=0下的低周疲劳性能.拉伸试验结果表明:在此温度范围内,应变率对弹性模量,拉伸屈服强度及塑性模量的影响......
:1672-7207(2012)07-2547-07 Influence of microstructure on enduring properties of FGH95 nickel-base superalloy XIE Jun1, TIAN Su-gui1, ZHOU Xiao-ming2, LI Bo-song1 (1. School of Materials Science... of the alloy are dislocations slipping in the matrix, dislocations crossing or shearing into γ? phase. Key words: FGH95 superalloy; HIP temperature; microstructure; lattice parameters; misfit; enduring......
on microstructure and stress rupture properties of FGH95 superalloy XIE Jun1, TIAN Su-gui1, ZHOU Xiao-ming2, QIAN Ben-jiang1, YU Li-li1, WANG Wu-xiang2 (1. School of Materials Science and Engineering... temperatures on the microstructure and enduring properties of FGH95 nickel-base superalloy were investigated. The results show that, when the HIP temperature is lower than γ′ phase dissolving......
包含应变量的四次多项式函数对双曲正弦修正的Arrhenius方程进行改进,改进后的本构方程的流变应力预测值与实验值吻合较好,平均相对误差为3.64%.关键词:喷射成形FGH95;高温合金;流变应力;本构方程Flow stress behavior and prediction of spray-forming FGH95 superalloy at elevated temperatureGUO... and Powder Metallurgy, School of Materials Science and En)Abstract:In order to study the workability and establish the flow stress constitutive equation for spray-forming FGH95 superalloy, the hot......
; 文献标志码:A Effects of quenching technics on microstructure and creep properties of FGH95 superalloy TIAN Su-gui1, XIE Jun1, ZHOU Xiao-ming2, QIAN Ben-jiang1, LUN Jian-wei1, YU Li-li1, WANG Wu-xiang2...: The effects of the solution and quenching technics on the microstructure and creep properties of FGH95 nickel-based superalloy were investigated by measurement of creep properties and microstructure......
动,是使合金具有较高抗蠕变能力的主要原因. 关键词:FGH95粉末镍基合金; 固溶处理; 组织结构; 蠕变特征; FGH95 powder nickel-base superalloy; solution treatment; microstructure; creep features; [全文内容正在添加中] ...FGH95粉末镍基合金热处理后的微观组织与蠕变性能 包宪宇1,刘洋1,赵忠刚1,田素贵1 (1.沈阳工业大学,材料科学与工程学院,沈阳,110023) 摘要:通过进行蠕变曲线测定和组织形貌观察,研究了FGH95粉末镍基合金的微观组织结构与蠕变行为.结果表明:合金经高温固溶,盐浴冷却处理后,组织结构是由细小的γ′相弥散分布在γ基体所组成,其细小(Nb,Ti)C碳化物在晶内及沿晶界不连续析出......
Isothermal forging process design for spray-formed FGH95 superalloy turbine disk based on numerical simulationBiao Guo1,Chuan-Sui Sun1,Sui-Cai Zhang1,Chang-Chun Ge1,21. School of Materials Science... id="ChDivSummary" name="ChDivSummary">Based on the experimental data from hot compression tests on Gleeble 1500 thermal simulator, the revised constitutive equations of spray-formed FGH95 superalloy......