Corrosion resistance of electrodeposited RE-Ni-W-P-SiC-PTFE composite coating in phosphoric and ferric chloride XU Rui-dong(徐瑞东), GUO Zhong-cheng(郭忠诚), PAN Jun-yi(潘君益) Faculty of Materials...; Abstract: Corrosion rate and anode polarization curves of electrodeposited RE-Ni-W-P-SiC-PTFE composite coating in various concentrations of phosphoric and ferric chloride were researched. The results show......
ARTICLE J. Cent. South Univ. (2019) 26: 449-457 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-019-4017-7 Synergistic coagulation of bauxite residue-based polyaluminum ferric chloride for dyeing wastewater... that Fe, Al elements in bauxite residue are active components for water purification, an effective polyaluminum ferric chloride (PAFC) coagulant derived from bauxite residue, with Fe2O3 content > 5.1......
-thaw concrete after electrochemical chloride extraction GUO Yu-xia(郭育霞), GONG Jin-xin(贡金鑫) State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024...; Abstract: The effect of electrochemical chloride extraction (ECE) on bond strength between steel bar and freeze-thaw concrete contaminated......
三氯化铁浸出-重铬酸钾滴定法测定钛精粉还原产物中的金属铁李传维1,司新国1,鲁雄刚1,郭曙强1,丁伟中1(1.上海市上海大学上海市现代冶金与材料制备重点实验室)摘 要:试样用三氯化铁溶液溶解,金属铁被氧化为二氯化铁,过滤分离,滤液酸化后以二苯铵磺酸钠为指示剂,用重铬酸钾标准溶液滴定,实现了钛精粉还原产物中金属铁含量的测定.结果表明,试样粒度在0.125mm以下时,FeCl3溶液浓度和用量分别为10g/L和100mL,采用电磁搅拌60min为最佳的实验条件.分别用HgCl2分析法,矿相法对方法正确度进行检测,其中......
; Abstract: A dual cell system was used to study the influence of ferric ion on the electrogenerative leaching of sulfide minerals. Reaction mechanisms for the ferric chloride electrogenerative leaching... Y Y, CHEN Y G. Electrogenerative leaching of galena with ferric chloride[J]. Minerals Engineering, 2003, 16(9): 869-872. [7] WANG S F, FANG Z, LONG S. Exploration of electrogenerative leaching......
design (BBD) was used in the optimization of the main operating parameters. The results reveal that flotation indexes are effectively improved after coagulation treatment by polyaluminum ferric chloride... treatment. Key words: backwater treatment; bauxite flotation; polyaluminum ferric chloride; Box-Behnken design 1 Introduction Ore grade decreases because of the sharp and increasing demand of bauxite [1......