J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. (2011) 18: 972-977 DOI: 10.1007/s11771-011-0789-0 Carbonaceous mesophase spherule/activated carbon composite as anode materials for super lithium ion capacitors YANG... and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 Abstract: A series of carbonaceous mesophase spherule/activated carbon composites were prepared as anode materials for super lithium ion capacitors using......
; Preparation of activated carbons from mesophase pitch and their electrochemical properties LAI Yan-qing(赖延清), LI Jing(李 晶), SONG Hai-shen(宋海申), ZHANG Zhi-an(张治安) , LI Jie(李 劼),LIU Ye-xiang(刘... structure and electrochemical property of porous activated carbon from mesophase pitch activated by KOH were investigated. The surface areas and the pore structures of activated carbons were analyzed......
,中孔含量下降;活性炭比电容量随着调制温度的提高先增大后减小,450 ℃时达到最大值,为215 F/g. 关键词:超级电容器;中间相沥青;活性炭;化学活化 中图分类号:TQ 424.1 文献标识码:A Effects of temperature modification of mesophase pitches... South University, Changsha 410083, China) Abstract: Using coal-tar pitch as raw material, the mesophase pitches with carbonaceous crystallites were produced at different temperatures, and the ultra-high......
好的功率特性,在1 mA充放电时,质量比电容量为87 F/g;在20 mA充放电时,质量比电容量也达到83 F/g. 关键词:活性炭;超级电容器;中间相沥青;粒径;物理?化学联合活化 中图分类号:O 613.71 文献标识码:A Effects of particle size of mesophase pitches... 410083, China) Abstract: Using coal-tar pitch as raw material, the mesophase pitches with carbonaceous crystallites were produced at 500 ℃. With mesophase pitches of different particle sizes, the ultra......
W/(m?K). 关键词:AR中间相沥青;泡沫炭;压缩强度;热导率 中图分类号:TQ127 文献标志码:A Effects of foaming pressure on microstructures and properties of mesophase-pitch-derived carbon foams XIAO Feng... mesophase pitch by self-foaming technology at constant pressure under foaming pressures of 4, 5, 7 and 10 MPa. Carbonized and graphitized carbon foams were formed by carbonization and graphitization......
不同形状中间相沥青炭纤维的横断面结构 李明伟1,稻垣道夫2,王成扬1,郭崇涛1 (1.天津大学;2.日本国北海道大学) 摘要:在场发射扫描电子显微镜(FE-SEM)下观察了圆形,中空,条形和Y-形中间相沥青炭纤维的横断面结构.用流变学理论分析了纺丝过程中几种炭纤维结构的形成.提出中空纤维纺制时沥青流体的最大流速线在喷丝孔中心线的内侧,并根据中空炭纤维横断面的显微照片对此加以证实用催化缩聚中间相沥青制备的条形炭纤维显示出的特殊弧形对称结构,起因于中间相沥青的流变性质和条形喷丝孔的形状设计.非圆形中间相沥青炭纤维趋向于以线形为中心的放射状横断面结构,因而在热处理过程中能避免应力集中和裂纹产生,有利于提高炭纤维的抗压强度. 关键词:中间相沥青; 炭纤维; 结构; mesophase pitch; carbon fibers; texture; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
印刻法制备中间相沥青基中孔炭 詹亮1,梁晓怿1,张睿1,凌立成1,乔文明1,刘颖1 (1.华东理工大学,化学反应工程联合国家重点实验室,上海,200237) 摘要:用中间相沥青作碳源,硅胶水溶液作造孔剂,采用胶体印刻法制得一系列中孔碳.实验发现当适量纳米级硅源添加到中间相沥青中,会在彼此颗粒间形成一定的纳米孔道,从而导致中间相沥青在炭化过程中没有沥青由固相向液相转化的过程.结果表明:碳硅比,印刻温度以及中间相沥青的基本物化性质都将对中孔碳的孔结构发生重要影响.且制得比表面积和孔容分别为482m2/g和1.62cm3/g的中孔碳. 关键词:中孔碳; 印刻; 中间相沥青; Mesoporous carbon; Imprint; Mesophase pitch; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
; Mesophase pitch; Foaming; Porosity; Optical microscopy; [全文内容正在添加中] ......