Mg-8Li-3Al-Y镁锂合金板材热轧及退火组织与性能秦径为1,2,彭谦之1,2,周海涛1,2,钟芳华1,2,丁洪波1,2,刘瑞蕊1,21. 中南大学材料科学与工程学院2. 中南大学有色金属材料科学与工程教育部重点实验室摘 要:研究了Mg-8Li-3Al-Y合金在温度为280℃时多道次不同压下率的轧制变形以...伸率以及维氏硬度分别为195.75×106Pa,18%和HV74.84,经退火后热轧板材的抗拉强度,延伸率,维氏硬度分别为188.09×106Pa,34%和HV66.01;压下率为80%的热轧Mg-8Li-3Al-Y合金板材的拉伸断裂方式为准解理断裂,退火后合金板材的拉伸断裂方式为解理+韧窝混合断裂.这说明轧后热处理可以使合金在小幅度地降低硬度和强度的情况下,大幅度地提高合金的塑性.
The Strengthening of Cu-15Ni-8Sn Alloy WANG Ming-Pu1,WANG Yan-hui1,HONG Bin1 (1.School of Material Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha China) 摘要:The microstructure, property and relation between them of Cu-15Ni-8Sn alloy are studied by means of TEM and the measurement of hardness. The results show that γ '' metastable phase strengthens alloy because of its ordering......
The Technological Improvements of Aluminum Alloy Coloring by Electrolysis LI Nai-jun1 (1.Teachers College, Shenyang University, Shenyang 110015, P. R. China) 摘要:The technological process of coloring golden-tawny on aluminum alloy by electrolysis was improved in this paper. The optimum composition of electrolyte was found, the conditions of deposition and anodic oxidation by electrolysis were......
Microstructure and Performances of Nanocrystalline Zinc-nickel Alloy Coatings LI Guang-yu1,NIU Li-yuan1,JIANG Zhong-hao1,LIAN Jian-she1 (1.The Key Lab of Automobile Materials, Ministry of Education, China, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Nanling Campus, Changchun, 130025, China) 摘要:Nanocrystalline zinc-nickel alloy coatings were deposited from an alkaline......
Alloy 20不锈钢薄板等离子弧焊接工艺研究赵斌,王宾宾,王小华中国船舶重工集团公司第七二五研究所摘 要:对Alloy 20不锈钢薄板进行了等离子弧焊接工艺试验研究.结果表明,采用等离子弧焊接方法,ERCr Ni Mo-3焊材及合理的焊接工艺参数,等离子弧焊接工艺可用于Alloy 20不锈钢薄板的焊接,焊接接头各项性能均能满足要求.关键词:Alloy 20;不锈钢薄板;等离子弧焊接;......
)Abstract:Stainless die with micro-groove and micro-hole have been designed and manufactured, which has been used to study superplastic microforming of 2091Al-Li alloy by means of superplastic forming... micro-rib specimen, behavior of material could be understood well.Key words:superplasticity; microforming; extrusion; 2091Al-Li alloy......
Materialia, 1998, 46(8): 2789-2800. [15] PARK K T, HWANG D Y, LEE Y K, KIM Y K, SHIN D H. High strain rate superplasticity of submicrometer grained 5083 Al alloy containing scandium fabricated by severe plastic deformation [J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2003, 341: 273-281. [16] SON S C, KANG S G, PARK K Y, NA Y S, LEE J H. A study on the micro-formability of Al5083 superplastic alloy using micro......
Study on Thermomagnetic Treatment Fe-25.5Cr-12Co Permanent Magnetic Alloy Zhen Liang1,GAO Run-sheng2,ZHU Dan-yang1,SUN Xue-yin1,SHAO Wen-zhu1,XU Ren-gen1 (1.Technology and Development Centre... Fe-25.5Cr-12Co alloy by different process of thermomagnetic treatment were investigated. It is found that magnetic properties are sensitive to parameters of thermomagnetic treatment process in magnetic......
, LI Z, WU Y C. Effects of grain size on the microstructure and texture of cold-rolled Ta-2.5W alloy [J]. Int Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2016, 58: 125–136. DOI: 10.1016/j... J. Cent. South Univ. (2018) 25: 1573-1581 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-018-3849-x Derivation and application of concentration formula of alloy genes of DO3-type in BCC alloy systems PENG......
Thermostability of Al-Cu-Mg-Fe-Ni Alloy with Trace Scandium and Zirconium Yu Kun1,Li Songrui1,Li Wenxian1 (1.Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University of Technology,Changsha 410083, P. R. China) 摘要:Three Al-Cu-Mg-Fe-Ni-Sc-Zr ingot metallurgy alloys with different compositions had been prepared. The hardness variations of cold-rolled alloy plates during annealing......