Ka波段PHEMT MIMIC VCO设计 车延锋1,孙晓玮1,程知群1 (1.中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所,上海,200050) 摘要:给出了Ka波段PHEMT MIMIC VCO设计过程,根据直流特性曲线确定直流工作点,得到对应的S参数,再转化为Z参数,计算出输入输出谐振回路和输出电路的阻抗,用Agilent ADS软件进行了仿真,振荡中心频率33.14 GHz,用PHEMT管作为变容管,调谐带宽为200 MHz. 关键词:VCO; Ka波段; MIMIC; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
一种芯片集成Ku波段MESFET压控振荡器的设计 盛怀茂1,刘海文1,李征帆2,周旻1,钱蓉1,孙晓玮1 (1.中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所,上海,200050;2.上海交通大学电子工程系,上海,200030) 摘要:利用微波晶体管的负阻特性,基于 Agilent(R) ADS软件,设计出一种 Ku波段微带结构,变容 管调谐的 MESFET压控振荡器(简称 VCO).对 VCO进行实测, 结果表明, VCO的中心频率为 14.14GHz,调频带宽大于 100MHz,带内输出功率大于 2mW,满足实际应用. 关键词:负阻特性; 微带结构; S参数法; VCO; 变容管调谐; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
and detected the charge pump output tuning voltage, which would give the indicator to digital part to adjust the voltage control oscillator (VCO) capacitor bank. In digital mode, the digital part counted the phase lock loop (PLL) divided clock to judge whether VCO frequency was fast or slow. The analog and digital modes completed the auto frequency calibration function independently by internal switch......
1 kHz步进低噪声YIG调谐微波频率综合器刘少龙1,杨陆2,刘进21. 海军装备部驻重庆地区军事代表局2. 西南应用磁学研究所摘 要:低噪声微波频率综合器在现代电子系统和高性能测试系统中起着非常重要的作用,其实现方式通常以压控振荡器(VCO)和YIG调谐振荡器锁相频率合成为主.基于49 GHz YIG调谐振荡器,通过VCO合成小步进可变参考,使锁相环路在不降低鉴相频率的前提下,设计了完成高分辨率,低杂散的宽带低噪声YIG频率综合器.技术验证样品测试结果表明,在49 GHz工作带宽内频率步进为1 k Hz,相位噪声优于-95d Bc@10 k Hz,-115 d Bc@100 k Hz,其软硬件设计支持连续扫频和合成扫频功能,工作性能稳定可靠,可满足工程中本振和信号源应用需求.关键词:频......
柴油机喷油嘴的结构改进及三维流场数值模拟韩振南,姜鹏太原理工大学摘 要:喷油嘴头部细微的结构变化会对内部的流动状态产生显著的影响,进而影响到油束雾化性能.通过CFD软件对STD(Standard)标准型,VCO(Valve Closed Orifice)无压力室型及IMP(IM-PROVED)改进型的多孔喷嘴进行了三维流场数值模拟,通过对比分析得出改进型喷嘴在低油速率下获得相对好的喷雾性能,综合特性优于标准型和无压力室型的喷嘴.关键词:喷油嘴;CFD;三维数值模拟;柴油机;......
闪锌矿一步法生产活性氧化锌的研究 刘开宇1,周向阳1 (1.中南工业大学化工学院,长沙,410083) 摘要:本文研究了闪锌矿一步法生产活性氧化锌的工艺.通过添加一定量的MnO2(或贫锰矿)作氧化剂,在酸性介质中可实现闪锌矿的常压直接浸出,锌,锰,硫的回收率为95.7%,95%和86.9%.产品性能检测结果表明该工艺得到的活性氧化锌比表面积≥100m2.g-1,活性Vco+H2≥3L.g-1.h-1,且样品的比表面积与活性正比,与结晶度成反比. 关键词:闪锌矿; 一步法; 活性氧化锌; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
in this paper. The influences of pre-oxidation treatment, reduction temperature, and VH2/(VH2 + VCO) on the metallization degree were studied. The results showed that pre-oxidation played a substantial role in the reduction of vanadium titano-magnetite pellets. During the reduction process, the metallization degree increased with increasing temperature and increasing VH2 /(VH2 + VCO). The phase......
of the ballast. For the piezoelectric transformer, if frequency is provided by using only voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), there can be some changes in frequency that can be easily provided... produces the frequency source through VCO, output frequency is vulnerable to surrounding environment to a great extent. The output frequency can be subtly shaken by influence of circuits, peripheral......
. Reliability analysis of MOS varactor in CMOS LC VCO[J]. Microelectronics Journal, 2011, 42(2): 330-333. [16] Shim D, Kenneth K O. Symmetric varactor in 130 nm CMOS for frequency multiplier......