Fire and Corrosion Resistances of Intumescent Nano-coating Containing Nano-SiO2 in Salt Spray ConditionZhenyu Wang, Enhou Han, Fuchun Liu and Wei Ke State Key Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection... in thhis study. The effect of nano-SiO2 on the corrosion resistance and fire resistance of ammonium polyphosphate-pentaerythritol-melamine (APP-PER-MEL) coating was investigated by differential thermal......
. The property makes bainite, especially granular bainite, become a potential microstructure for matrix of high strength fire-resistant steel.关键词:......
IF钢的RH-KTB工艺优化肖玖伦1,姚同路2,邱丹1,王刚2(1.江苏省南京市梅山钢铁公司炼钢厂2.钢铁研究总院 冶金工艺研究所,北京 100081)摘 要:介绍了RH-KTB深脱碳热力学及动力学原理,并结合梅山150t RH生产IF钢实践,重点从改善动力学条件出发,优化超低碳钢RH-KTB处理工艺,通过采取一系列措施如将真空度达到15kPa作为最佳KTB时机,优化KTB吹氧制度,提高RH真空度,提高循环流量,增加浸渍管插入深度等,使RH冶炼IF钢终点碳的质量分数由18×10-6稳定控制在15×10-6以下,......
建筑用钢品种开发和技术发展的趋势杨忠民1(1.北京市钢铁研究总院结构材料研究所)摘 要:建筑用钢是中国钢材消费最大的品种,快速发展的建筑业为建筑用钢品种的开发和应用提供了广泛的市场.中国建筑用钢品种的开发和应用已经取得了巨大进步,但是建筑用钢的科研和应用技术开发仍然相对落后.这包括钢材新品开发能力和建筑应用技术水平较低;高强度高性能钢材的消费比例偏低;冶金标准和应用技术规范更新滞后等等.中国建筑用钢的技术含量较低,至今仍属于基础类,低档次钢种,科研开发资金投入相对不足.建筑用钢品种的技术指标尚需进一步完善,尤其......
liner made of fire-resistant materials, the diameter of the sample was 30 mm, and the thickness was 2-3 mm. Then the ash and the liner were put into the furnace to be heated. Table 1 Ash compositions..., and new substances will be produced. The free energy among compositions of ash and fire-resistant materials during the slagging process will tend spontaneously to the minimum in order to reach a new......
验用耐火板. 表2 实验卫燃带耐火板的成分 Table 2 Composition of fire-resistant board w/% 1.2 实验装置及过程 整个实验过程在单火嘴卧式煤粉燃烧实验炉中进行,该系统由华中科技大学煤燃烧国家重点实验室研制,采用煤粉气流燃烧在线控... Ⅰ on surface of fire-resistant board (a) A处渣样; (b) B处渣样; (c) C处渣样; (d) D处渣样 ▲-SiO2; ●-Al2(Al2.8Si1.2)O9.6; ■-(Ca, Na)(Al, Si)2Si2O8; ★-CaCr2O4; ◆-TiO2; ▼-Ca3Al2(SiO4)3; ○-(Mg, Fe)2Al4Si5O18......
]. 材料工程, 1997(8): 11-15. HUANG Xu, CAO Chun-xiao, MA Ji-min, WANG Bao, GAO Yang. Titanium combustion in aeroengines and fire-resistant titanium alloys[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering, 1997(8... ignition and flame models[C]//Conference Proceedings No. 52 NATO AGARD Annual Meeting. Paris, France, 1970: 11-30. [11] 黄 旭. 钛合金阻燃机制研究[D]. 西安: 西北工业大学及北京航空材料研究院, 1998. HUANG Xu. Fire-resistant mechanism......