of as-cast and forged high Nb-TiAl based alloy 3.2 合金的蠕变性能 锻造态与铸造态高Nb-TiAl合金在800℃/220MPa条件下的蠕变曲线如图2所示,可见经过锻造的高Nb-TiAl合金蠕变寿命减小,蠕变应变增加.表明锻造工艺提高了合金的高温塑性,但未能改善合金的高温蠕变性能. 图2 铸造态与锻造态高Nb-TiAl合金在800℃/220MPa条件下的蠕变曲线 Fig.2 Creep curves of forged and as-cast high Nb-TiAl alloy at the conditions of 800℃/220MPa . 锻造态高Nb-TiAl合金在800℃分别施加200MPa,220MPa,240MPa应力测定的蠕变曲线,如图3(a)所示.由图中曲线1可知,当施加应力为200MPa时......
of as-cast and forged high Nb-TiAl based alloy 3.2 合金的蠕变性能 锻造态与铸造态高Nb-TiAl合金在800℃/220MPa条件下的蠕变曲线如图2所示,可见经过锻造的高Nb-TiAl合金蠕变寿命减小,蠕变应变增加.表明锻造工艺提高了合金的高温塑性,但未能改善合金的高温蠕变性能. 图2 铸造态与锻造态高Nb-TiAl合金在800℃/220MPa条件下的蠕变曲线 Fig.2 Creep curves of forged and as-cast high Nb-TiAl alloy at the conditions of 800℃/220MPa 锻造态高Nb-TiAl合金在800℃分别施加200MPa,220MPa,240MPa应力测定的蠕变曲线,如图3(a)所示.由图中曲线1可知,当施加应力为200MPa时,合金在蠕变初期的应变较小,蠕变中期的平......
10 mm/s,模锥半角30°,挤压比3. 关键词:β-γ高Nb-TiAl合金;高温挤压;Deform-3D模拟; 挤压速度;模锥半角;挤压比 中图分类号:TF777.1 文献标志码:A Hot extrusion simulation of β-γ TiAl alloy containing high Nb ZHENG Jun-zi... ratio of 3 are the optimal extrusion parameters of β-γ TiAl alloy containing high Nb. Key words: β-γ TiAl alloy containing high Nb; hot extrusion; Deform-3D simulation; extrusion speed; die half-angle......
phase. The formation mechanisms of the dislocation in the present alloy were also discussed in detail. Key words: high Nb-TiAl alloy; powder metallurgy; microstructure; dislocation 1 Introduction TiAl.... Characterization of TiAl-based alloy with high-content Nb by powder metallurgy [J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2012, 22(S2): s491-s495. [12] WANG Yan-hang, LIN Jun-pin, HE Yue......
Near-net shape processing of spherical high Nb-TiAl alloy powder by gelcastingHui-ping Shao,Xiao-ting Liu,Ye Ji,Zhi-meng GuoInstitute for Advanced Material & Technology,University of Science... additives were included in the suspension.The concentrated suspension with a solid loading of 70vol%was prepared.The high Nb-TiAl powder was analyzed by electron microscopy and X-ray difraction.It......
(7): 653-659. [7] CHEN G L, XU X J, TENG Z K, WANG Y L, LIN J P. Microsegregation in high Nb containing TiAl alloy ingots beyond laboratory scale[J]. Intermetallics, 2007, 15: 625-631. [8] LASALMONIE... alloy. Key words: Nb-TiAl alloys; elemental powders; vacuum hot pressing; reaction sintering; microstructure TiAl金属间化合物具有密度小,室温比强度和比刚度高,高温抗氧化性及力学性能性能优异等特点,在航空航天领域非常具有应用潜力而受到广泛关注[1-4].研究表明:高Nb-TiAl合金具有更优异的......
热处理对二次锻造高Nb-TiAl基合金组织的影响 宋西平1,林均品1,林志1,苏喜孔2,韩雅芳2,徐丽华1,徐向俊1,王艳丽1,李树索2,陈国良1 (1.北京科技大学,新金属材料国家重点实验室,北京,100083;2.北京航空航天大学,高性能材料研究所,北京,100083) 摘要:研究了热处理对二次锻造高Nb-TiAl基合金组织的影响.通过对Ti-45Al-9(Nb,W,B,Y)金属间化合物进行不同的热处理,得到不同的显微组织.结果表明,经1310℃/20min+1250℃/2h/AC热处理后,β相被有效地消除,得到细小均匀的双态组织.此后直接加热到α单相区,得到条带状的全片层组织.增加在两相区的停留,得到相对比较均匀细小的全片层组织.将锻造组织先转变为近γ组织再进行全片层组织处理,得到最均匀细小的全片层组织. 关键词:高Nb-TiAl合金; 热处理; 显微组织; [全文内容......
热处理对大尺寸铸态高Nb-TiAl合金组织中S-偏析的影响 许正芳1,林志1,张勇1,陈国良1,林均品1,王艳丽1,徐向俊1 (1.北京科技大学,新金属材料国家重点实验室,北京,100083) 摘要:研究了热处理对铸态高Nb-TiAl合金组织中S-偏析的影响.试验结果表明,对合金试样在Tα温度以上(1350~1400℃)进行热处理可以消除S-偏析,短时间内保温组织中会再次出现大量的β相,长时间保温后β相完全溶解并转变为α相,其冷却到室温变为片层组织;在Tα温度以下α+γ两相区(1250~1330℃)由于γ相的存在不能消除S-偏析.合金试样经过1350℃/24h+900℃/30min/AC和1400℃/12h+900℃/30min/AC处理后,S-偏析都得到了有效的消除,并分别获得平均晶粒尺寸为210μm和 120μm的片层组织. 关键词:高Nb-TiAl合金; 显微组织; 热处理......
High Carbon Alloy Steels with Multiple Types of Ultra-fine Carbides and Their Characteristics QI Yu-hong1,DAI Yu-mei1,LIU Yan-xia1,ZHANG Zhan-ping1,GAO Hong-tao1,MA Yong-qing1 (1.Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, China) 摘要:Under normal forging and annealing conditions, there are different ultra fine carbides (M3C, M23C6, M7C3, M6C and MC) in high carbon alloy steels when alloy composition......
, therefore, the fluidity of the alloy enhances. B improves the fluidity property attributed to its refinement. Key words: high Nb-containing TiAl alloy; casting; alloying; fluidity; Procast simulation 作...为其细化作用. 关键词:高Nb-TiAl合金;铸造;合金化;流动性;Procast模拟 中图分类号:TG146.2 文献标志码:A Effects of micro-alloy elements on fluidity of Ti-45Al-8Nb alloy YANG Liang1, WU Li-juan2, CHAI......