Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 23(2013) 2568-2576 Effects of Gd on microstructure and mechanical property of ZK60 magnesium alloy Zheng-hua HUANG, Wen-jun QI, Jing XU Guangzhou Research Institute...: ZK60 magnesium alloy; Gd modification; extrusion; microstructure; mechanical property; fracture morphology 1 Introduction Magnesium alloys with high specific strength are used widely in automotive......
is better than that of the commercial AZ91D magnesium alloy. The corrosion rate increases when the Gd content is higher than 1.5%. At room temperature, the compressive properties of Mg-Zn-Y-(Gd) alloys... properties of as-cast Mg94Zn3YxGd3-x alloy in deformation process. Key words: as-cast magnesium alloy; Mg-Zn-Y-(Gd) alloy; 14H-LPSO phase; corrosion property; compressive properties 1 Introduction......
表面时,发生原子碰撞或塑性变形,导致其晶格内产生内应力[24-25]. 图3 镁合金注入Gd前后的XRD谱 Fig. 3 XRD patterns of magnesium alloy before and after Gd implantation 由于注入层的厚度较薄(约80 nm),此时XRD采集的注入层物相信号有限,因此,本实验中采用XPS对注入层(B合金)进行了... J H. In vitro degradation and biocompatibility of a strontium-containing micro-arc oxidation coating on the biodegradable ZK60 magnesium alloy[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2014, 288: 718-726. [11......
分析结果,可以确定与该吸热峰和放热峰相对应的是Mg5Gd的熔化过程和凝固过程. 图4 铸态5%Gd合金的DSC曲线 Fig. 4 DSC curves of as-cast 5%Gd alloy 2.3 钆的强化效果 表1所列为铸态Mg-8Li和Mg-8Li-4Zn-xGd合金的维氏硬度测试结果.可见,合金元素锌和钆的加入使Mg-8Li合金的硬度显著提高,且随...%时,β-Li相中析出了更多的弥散细小颗粒强化相,但钆在β-Li相中含量极少未被EDS检测到,如图3(f′)所示.MANFRINETTI等[28]研究Gd-Mg相图时发现,Gd-Mg合金凝固存在四种包晶反应过程,分别是868 ℃析出的MgGd相,756 ℃析出的Mg2Gd相,720 ℃析出的Mg3Gd相及658 ℃析出的Mg5Gd相;并且当温度降至548 ℃时,在91.2%Mg(摩尔分数)侧发生共晶......
Cathodic phosphate coating containing nano zinc particles on magnesium alloy NIU Li-yuan(牛丽媛) Zhejiang Industry and Trade Polytechnic, Advanced Material Research and Development... compounds on magnesium alloy was developed. The influence of cathodic current density on the microstructure of the cathodic phosphate coating was investigated. The results show that the crystals......
the deposited Gd-containing phases and corrosion product films are believed to be responsible for the improved corrosion behaviour due to Gd addition. Key words: AZ91D alloy; magnesium alloy... of specimen mass loss and hydrogen evolution in 3.5% NaCl solution saturated with Mg(OH)2. The Gd-containing alloys exhibit enhanced corrosion resistance with respect to the plain Mg-9Al alloy......
Gd对ZK60铸造镁合金组织和耐蚀性能的影响 马群1,王萍1,李建平1 (1.西安工业大学,陕西,西安,710032) 摘要:采用电化学方法研究了Gd含量对ZK60系镁合金在3.5%NaCl溶液中的腐蚀行为,并用金相显微镜,SEM观察了铸态显微组织及腐蚀形貌,对腐蚀产物进行了XRD分析.结果表明:稀土元素Gd可以细化合金晶粒,减少粗大共晶相MgZn的含量;在3.5%NaCl溶液中,腐蚀产物主要为Mg(OH)2;通过极化曲线测试,ZK60+1.6%Gd合金耐蚀性最好;在Cl-作用下,腐蚀以点蚀为主,同时会形成以第二相MgZn和Mg5Gd为阴极,α-Mg为阳极的电偶腐蚀. 关键词:镁合金; 钆; 耐蚀性; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
Ni on the AZ91D magnesium alloy, containing sulfate nickel, was given in this paper. The nucleation mechanism of Ni-P deposits on the AZ91D magnesium alloy was studied by using XRD and SEM.The...Direct Electroless Nickel Plating on AZ91D Magnesium Alloy from a Sulfate Solution and its Deposition Mechanism LI Guang-yu1,NIU Li-yuan1,JIANG Zhong-hao1,LIAN Jian-she1,GU Chang-dong1 (1.The Key......
their extensive applications[1-3]. Rare-earths- containing magnesium alloys reveal outstanding mechanical properties at room and elevated temperatures, especially Mg-Gd series alloys which provide excellent cast performance, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance[4]. On the basis of previous investigations, magnesium alloys containing over 10% (mass fraction) Gd show excellent mechanical......
properties and corrosion behavior of as-extruded GZ51K magnesium alloy[J]. Materials Letters, 2016, 163: 250-253. [24] GUI Z Z, KANG Z X, LI Y Y. Mechanical and corrosion properties of Mg-Gd-Zn-Zr-Mn..., that the alloy has the best corrosion with a Gd content of 1.0%. Key words: magnesium alloy; extrusion; microstructure; corrosion resistance Foundation item: Project(20A430010) supported......