and reproducing lithofacies spatial features. Key words: independence assumption; Markov chain; reservoir lithofacies; small-class underestimation; transition probability Cite this article as: WANG Zhi-zhong... the 1990s, modeling attention was again shifted to Markov approach because of the transition probability instead of the indicator variogram [15]. ELFEKI et al [16] proposed the more rigorous definition of two......
, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) Abstract: A set of principles on transition probability was supplied for the physical process of grain growth. In accord with these principles, a modified transition probability considering the influence of temperature was put forward to simulate the normal grain growth relying on temperature and second phase particles. The modified transition......
; 文章编号:1672-7207(2015)05-1876-10 Probability response spectrum based on improved stochastic model for earthquake ground motion YIN Jiang1, ZHOU Xianyan1, YI Weijian2...),the conditional probability model of elastic acceleration demand was deduced for SDOF system, and the probability spectrum of displacement demand and acceleration demand were established. Considering......
in the conduction band. There are electrons, holes and photons, photoelectrons in entire transition process. It is indirect transition. Usually, the probability of indirect transition is much less than... for the probability in indirect transition. So the total probability of transition is not too small. Fig. 13 Sketch of transition of direct and indirect band gap: (a) Transition of direct band gap; (b......
Variable step-size affine projection algorithm based on global speech absence probability for adaptive feedback cancellationKIM Young-Sear1, SONG Ji-hyun2, KIM Sang-Kyun2, LEE Sangmin2, 3(1...) based on global speech absence probability (GSAP). The variable step-size of the proposed VSS-APA is adjusted according to the GSAP of the current frame. The weight vector of the adaptive filter......
J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. (2008) 15: 100-105 DOI: 10.1007/s11771-008-0020-0 Numerical method of slope failure probability based on Bishop model SU Yong-hua(苏永华), ZHAO Ming-hua... probability of slope; mean deviation method; implicit function; Taylor series; dump of open-pit  ......