Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 31(2021) 3469-3477

Mn nanoparticles enhanced dehydrogenation and hydrogenation kinetics of MgH2 for hydrogen storage

Yan CHEN1, Hao-yu ZHANG1, Fu-ying WU2, Ze SUN1, Jia-guang ZHENG1,Liu-ting ZHANG1, Li-xin CHEN3

1. School of Energy and Power, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212003, China;

2. Analysis and Testing Center, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212003, China;

3. State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China

Received 30August 2021; accepted 10November 2021


n nanoparticles (nano-Mn) were successfully synthesized and doped into MgH2 to improve its de/hydrogenation properties. Compared with MgH2, the onset desorption temperature of 10 wt.% nano-Mn modified MgH2 was decreased to 175 °C and 6.7, 6.5 and 6.1 wt.% hydrogen could be released within 5, 10 and 25 min at 300, 275 and 250 °C, respectively. Besides, the composite started to take up hydrogen at room temperature and absorbed 2.0 wt.% hydrogen within 30 min at low temperature of 50 °C. The hydrogenation activation energy of MgH2 was reduced from (72.5±2.7) to (18.8±0.2) kJ/mol after doping with 10 wt.%nano-Mn. In addition, the MgH2+10 wt.% nano-Mn composite exhibited superior cyclic property, maintaining 92% initial capacity after 20 cycles.

Key words:

hydrogen storage material; magnesium hydride; Mn nanoparticles; catalytic mechanism; reversibility;

1 Introduction

Hydrogen energy, which has a high energy density of 142 MJ/kg and produces only clean and non-toxic water after combustion, is considered to be one of the most promising renewable energies to mitigate global energy crisis and achieve a carbon-neutral society [1-3]. Nevertheless, the practical application of hydrogen energy confronts many technological barriers, especially a safe and efficient hydrogen storage technology [1,4]. Compared with liquid hydrogen storage at cryogenic temperature (-253 °C, 0.5-1 MPa) and gaseous hydrogen storage limited by high pressure (35-70 MPa at room temperature), hydrogen stored in solid-state materials not only has the advantage of high hydrogen storage density, but also can ensure safety in the process of utilization [5-8].

MgH2, which has the characteristics of high gravimetric (7.6 wt.%) and volumetric (110 kg/m3) hydrogen capacity, low cost and excellent reversibility, is promising to meet the requirements of practical hydrogen storage application [9-14]. Unfortunately, high thermodynamic stability and poor kinetic property of MgH2 impede its practical application [15-17]. In order to overcome the above-mentioned problems, various strategies have been carried out in the past few decades such as nano-structuring [18-21], alloying [22-25] and catalyst doping [26-30]. Among them, transition metal related additives are proven to greatly facilitate the hydrogen storage property of MgH2 [31-36]. For example, LIANG et al [37]investigated 5 wt.% TMs (Ti, V, Mn, Fe, and Ni) modified MgH2 and found V and Ti showed superior catalytic effect on de/rehydrogenationproperties of MgH2. By decreasing the particle size of the catalyst, the catalytic effect towards the hydrogen storage property of MgH2 could be further improved. ZHANGet al [38] and MAet al [39] found that nano-sized TiH1.971 and Ni-doped MgH2 quickly released over 6.0 wt.% hydrogen at 300 °C, while pristine MgH2 released almost no hydrogen under the same condition. PATELLI et al [40] successfully synthesized Mg-Ti-H nanoparticles and the reversible absorption of hydrogen within MgH2-Mg phase transition was achieved in a remarkably low temperature range of 65-150 °C.

Besides above regularly investigated transition metals, Mn related catalysts were also demonstrated effective for MgH2. In our previous study [41], the MgH2 + 10 wt.% nano-ZrMn2 composite released 6.7 wt.% hydrogen in 5 min at 300 °C. DFT calculation denoted that ZrMn2 reduced the strength of Mg—H bond and lowered the dehydrogenation and hydrogenation temperature. Later, Mn-based catalysts (MnCl2 and submicron-Mn) were doped into MgH2 to enhance the hydrogen storage property [42]. The thermogravimetry tests showed that onset dehydrogenation temperatures of MnCl2 and submicron-Mn doped MgH2 could be reduced to 225 and 183 °C while the undoped MgH2 started to release hydrogen at 315 °C. Nanoscale catalyst can provide more active sites and nucleation centers for hydrogen absorption and desorption, and thus can effectively improve the kinetic performance of MgH2 [43,44]. However, as far as we know, no report has been published about the direct use of nano-sized Mn on enhancing the hydrogen storage property of MgH2. Thus, Mn nanoparticles (20-30 nm) were successfully synthesized to further investigate the particle size effect on the catalytic action on MgH2 in this work.

2 Experimental

2.1 Sample preparation

2.1.1 Preparation of MgH2

The MgH2 powders were prepared by hydrogenation heat treatment and mechanical ball milling. Primarily, the commercial Mg powders were hydrogenated in a Sieverts-type volumetric apparatus at 380 °C and hydrogen pressure of 6.5 MPa for 2 h. Afterwards, the samples were ball-milled at a speed of 450 r/min for 5 h with a ball-to-powder mass ratio of 40:1 in a planetary ball mill system (QM-3SP4, Nanjing Chishun, China). The above steps were repeated twice and MgH2 could be finally obtained.

2.1.2 Preparation of Mn nanoparticles

Mn nanoparticles were prepared by mechanical ball milling, commercially available MnCl2, (98%, Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Shanghai, China), LiCl (99%, Aladdin Biochemical Technology Co., Shanghai, China) and LiH (97%, Aladdin Biochemical Technology Co., Shanghai, China). In brief, the mixture of 1 g MnCl2 and 0.5 g LiCl were pre-milled for 2 h by using a mechanical ball mill at a speed of 400 r/min. Subsequently, 0.32 g LiH was added to the mixture and milled for 20 h. To make the raw materials react completely and prevent them from clumping, the mixture was tamped every 5 h. Anhydrous tetrahydrofuran was utilized to wash the mixture for 16-20 times to remove LiCl. Finally, Mn nanoparticles could be obtained after being vacuumed at room temperature for 12 h, denoted as nano-Mn.

2.1.3 Preparation of MgH2+nano-Mn composites

The above-synthesized Mn nanoparticles and MgH2 were mixed at a mass ratio of 5:95,10:90,15:85 and then ball milled for 2 h at the speed of 450 r/min with a ball-to-material mass ratio of 40:1. Three composites were labeled as MgH2+5wt.%nano-Mn, MgH2+10wt.%nano-Mn and MgH2+15wt.%nano-Mn, respectively.

2.2 Sample characterization

An X’Pert Pro X-ray diffractometer with Cu Kα radiation (λ=0.15405 nm, 40 kV, 15 mA) was applied to exploring the phase structure and the composition of samples from 10° to 80° (2θ) with a scanning speed of 5 (°)/min and 0.02 (°)/step. In addition, the morphology of the samples was characterized by transmission electron microscope (TEM, Tecnai G2 F30 S-TWIN) with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS).

Non/-isothermal de/hydrogenation properties of the prepared compositions were studied by using a self-made Sievert-type apparatus. About 160 mg of samples were loaded in a reactor with temperature and pressure sensors and then were connected to the Sievert-type apparatus. During the non-isothermal dehydrogenation measurement, the reactor was heated from room temperature to 500 °C at a heating speed of 5 °C/min. For isothermal dehydrogenation measurement, the reactor was prefilled with hydrogen (2.5 MPa) to prevent decomposition of samples during heating. Non-isothermal hydrogenation experiments were implemented from room temperature to 400 °C at a heating speed of 2 °C/min under hydrogen pressure of 3.2 MPa. In the isothermal hydrogenation examination, the whole hydrogenation system was heated to the preset temperature, and the data acquisition device would record the changes of temperature and pressure. Moreover, all operations and transfers were handled in a MIKROUNA glove box filled with Ar.

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Characterization of as-prepared Mn nanoparticles

During the preparation process, LiCl particles were utilized as nano-separators to prevent Mn particles from growing. To determine the micro- structure of synthesized Mn particles, X-ray diffraction (XRD) was performed. Figure 1(a) shows the XRD pattern of the as-synthesized Mn particles. According to the XRD result, the diffraction pattern matched well with the PDF#32-0637 card of Mn and no other phases were detected. To explore the morphology and size of Mn particles, TEM observation was adopted. Figures 1(b, c) show TEM images of synthesized Mn under different magnifications. Clearly, the Mn particles were granular and homogeneously distributed. Based on TEM images, the average size of the catalyst was 20-30 nm, which proved that the catalyst prepared is nano-Mn.

3.2 Effect of Mn nanoparticles on hydrogen absorption and desorption properties of MgH2

To investigate the catalytic effect of nano-Mnon MgH2, temperature programed dehydrogenation (TPD) measurements were applied. Figure 2(a) shows the non-isothermal dehydrogenation curves of additive-free MgH2, commercially available Mn and as-prepared nano-Mn modified MgH2. For comparison,the non-isothermal dehydrogenation curve of submicron-Mn modified MgH2 was also compiled [42]. As revealed in Fig. 2(a), additive-free MgH2 began to dehydrogenate at 355 °C and ended at 400 °C with a capacity of 7.4 wt.%. The initial dehydrogenation temperature of the composite doped with 5 wt.%Mn decreased to 235 °C, and the dehydrogenation rate was similar tothat of additive-free MgH2. When the size of the doped catalyst is on micron level, the initial dehydrogenation temperature of the composite decreased significantly. It could be seen from Fig. 2(a) that MgH2+5 wt.% submicron Mn released hydrogen from 183 °C, and 6.9 wt.% hydrogen could be released when the temperature was 375 °C. Compared with the MgH2+5 wt.% submicron Mn composite, initial dehydrogenation temperature of MgH2+5 wt.%nano-Mn was almost the same as that of MgH2+5 wt.%nano-Mn composite, but the dehydrogenation rate was much faster. The dehydrogenation of MgH2+5 wt.%nano-Mn composite ended at 315 °C, which was about 40 °C lower than that of MgH2+5 wt.% submicron Mn composite.

Based on above results, it can be concluded that the catalytic effect of Mn increased with decreasing size. In order to determine the best doping amount of nano-Mn, 5, 10 and 15 wt.% doping amounts were selected as the contrast. Figures 2(b) shows that the onset dehydrogenationtemperature of MgH2+10 wt.%nano-Mn was 175 °C, about 8 °C lower than that of MgH2+ 5 wt.%nano-Mn. Although the initial dehydrogenationtemperature was further decreased when the doping amount was increased to 15 wt.%, the dehydrogenation capacity was sharply dropped to 6.0 wt.% due to the dead weight of the catalyst. By considering both the onset dehydrogenation temperature and hydrogen capacity, MgH2+10 wt.%nano-Mn was selected for further investigation. Figure 2(c) presents isothermal dehydrogenation curves of MgH2+10wt.%nano-Mn at 250, 275 and 300 °C, respectively. Thecomposite rapidly released 6.7 wt.% hydrogen within 5 min at 300 °C. In addition, MgH2+10wt.%nano-Mn released 6.5 wt.% hydrogen at 275 °C within 10 min and 6.1 wt.% hydrogen at 250 °C within 25 min. As a contrast, additive-free MgH2 could hardly release hydrogen at 300 °C.

Fig. 1 XRD pattern (a) and TEM images (b, c) of synthesized Mn particles

Fig. 2 Non-isothermal dehydrogenation curves of MgH2 and MgH2 with different Mn [43](a),non-isothermal dehydrogenation curves of MgH2+xwt.%nano-Mn (x=5,10,15) (b) and isothermal dehydrogenation curves of MgH2 and MgH2+10wt.%nano-Mn (c)

The effect of 10 wt.%nano-Mn doping on the hydrogenation process of MgH2 was also investigated. Figure 3(a) shows non-isothermal hydrogenation curves of dehydrogenated MgH2 andMgH2+10wt.%nano-Mn sample. For the fully dehydrogenated MgH2+10wt.%nano-Mn sample, hydrogen up-took was began at room temperature. Rising the temperature to 300 °C, 6.0 wt.% hydrogen could be recharged. However, the completely dehydrogenated MgH2 began to absorb hydrogen from 185 °C, much higher than that of doped sample. Figure 3(b) shows the isothermal hydrogenation curves of dehydrogenated MgH2+10wt.%nano-Mn at 50, 75 and 100 °C under 3 MPa, respectively. It was worth noting that the sample could take up 2.5 and 3.3 wt.% hydrogen at 75 °C and 100 °C in 30 min. Even at low temperature of 50 °C, 2.0 wt.% hydrogen could still be absorbed in 30 min. On the contrary, the isothermal hydrogenation results of MgH2(Fig. 3(c)) validated that only 2, 3.6 and 5.4 wt.% hydrogen was absorbed in 20 min at 210, 230 and 250 °C, respectively.

The apparent activation energy (Ea) of the hydrogen absorption reaction was calculated based on the data of isothermal hydrogenation and Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov (JMAK) linear equation[45-47]:

ln(-ln(1-α))=n(ln k+ln t)                   (1)

whereα represents the mass fraction of Mg converted to MgH2 when the reaction time is t, krepresents the effective kinetic parameter andnrepresents the Avrami index. According to the experimental data obtained from isothermal hydrogenation examination, the relationship of ln(-ln(1-α)) and ln t can be obtained. Subsequently, Ea of the hydrogen absorption reaction was estimated by Arrhenius equation [41]:


whereT is isothermal hydrogenation temperature and A represents the pre-exponential factor. The calculated results in Fig. 3(d) show that the dehydrogenation Ea of MgH2+10wt.%nano-Mnwas (18.8±0.2) kJ/mol, which is significantly lower than that of pure MgH2 ((72.5±2.7) kJ/mol, R2=0.997). Therefore, the addition of nano-Mn could effectively reduce the apparent activation energy of hydrogenation reaction, which plays a great role in improving the hydrogenation performance of MgH2. In conclusion, Mn nanoparticles could be served as bidirectional catalysts for improving both the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation properties of MgH2.

3.3 Modification mechanism of Mnnano-particles in hydrogen absorption and desorption

Above experimental results demonstrated the exciting catalytic action of as-prepared Mn towards MgH2, and the modification mechanism needs to be further studied. In order to explore the evolution of nano-Mn in the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation process of MgH2, XRD tests were carried out. As shown in Fig. 4(b), only the phases of Mg and Mn were detected in completely dehydrogenated sample. After hydrogenation, Mg was charged to MgH2 but Mn could still be found in the composite. It could be speculated that Mn did not react with Mg/MgH2 and acted as catalytic union during the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation process.

TEM images of the ball-milled composite are shown in Fig. 5(a), from which it could be seen that the average size of MgH2+10wt.%nano-Mn composite was about 400 nm, while the particle size of MgH2 without catalyst was more than 800 nm. As mentioned above and in the previous report [42], the decrease of particle size was beneficial to improving the hydrogen absorption and desorption properties of MgH2. The diffraction patterns observed in selected area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns belong to MgH2 phase ((400) and (402)) and Mn phase ((622)) separately, agree well with the XRD results, indicating that there was no new phases appearing in the ball milling process. The corresponding EDS spectra with elemental mapping shows that Mn nanoparticles had a closecontact with MgH2. By combing the XRD results with TEM analysis, the nano-Mn dispersed on the surface of MgH2 could serve as hydrogen pump site to promote the diffusion of hydrogen, thus reducing the reaction energy barrier and improving the dehydrogenation and hydrogenation properties of the MgH2 system.

Fig.3 Non-isothermal hydrogenation curves (a), isothermal hydrogenation curves at different temperatures (b, c) and corresponding Arrhenius plots (d) of MgH2 with and without 10 wt.% nano-Mn

Fig. 4 XRD patterns of MgH2, MgH2+5wt.%nano-Mn, MgH2+10wt.%nano-Mn and MgH2+15wt.%nano-Mn samples (a), dehydrogenated and rehydrogenated MgH2+10wt.%nano-Mn samples (b)

Fig. 5 TEM photographs (a, b), SAED pattern (c) and corresponding EDS spectra (d) with elemental mapping of Mg (e) and Mn (f) for MgH2+10wt.%nano-Mn composite

3.4 Cyclic performance of MgH2+10wt.%nano-Mn composite

As an important parameter to evaluate the hydrogen storage performance, cycle stability is also a key factor for the practical application of hydrogen storage materials. Therefore, the MgH2+ 10 wt.%nano-Mn composite was tested for consecutive hydrogenation and dehydrogenation for 20 times at a constant temperature of 275 °C. The hydrogen storage pressure during hydrogenation is 3.2 MPa, and the cyclic hydrogenation and dehydrogenation curves are shown in Fig. 6. For the first hydrogen absorption and desorption process, the MgH2+10 wt.%nano-Mn composite can rapidly release about 6.4 wt.% hydrogen and absorb about 6.2 wt.% hydrogen. After 20 cycles, 5.9 wt.% hydrogen could be released, maintaining 92% of the initial capacity. Compared with the previous research [42], the cycling behavior is better than that of MgH2+10wt.%submicron-Mn sample. At present, many researches [48-51] have shown that there are two main reasons affecting the cycle stability of Mg based hydrogen storage system. One is that the catalysts will be separated from the matrix material during cycling, affecting the subsequent reaction. The other is that the particle size of the matrix material will increase and particles will agglomerate at high temperature. The results presented in this work showed that decreasing the particle size of the catalysts was beneficial to the cycling performance of MgH2, which served as a good inspiration for the further practical application of hydrogen storage materials based on Mg.

Fig. 6 Cyclic isothermal dehydrogenation/hydrogenation curves of MgH2+10wt.%nano-Mn sample

4 Conclusions

(1) The MgH2+10wt.%nano-Mn began to desorb hydrogen at 175 °C, which was 180 °C lower than that of MgH2. A hydrogen capacity of 6.7 wt.% could be obtained within 5 min at 300 °C.

(2) In hydrogenation, the composite could take up hydrogen at room temperature and 2.0 wt.% hydrogen was charged within 30 min even at the low temperature of 50 °C. The hydrogenation activation energy of MgH2 was reduced from (72.5±2.7) to (18.8±0.2) kJ/mol after doping with 10 wt.%nano-Mn.

(3) The kinetics and hydrogen storage capacity of MgH2+10 wt.%nano-Mn composite had no obvious attenuation after 20 hydrogenation and dehydrogenation cycles.


Theauthorsaregratefulforthefinancialsupportsfrom theNational Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51801078) and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China (No. BK20180986).


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1. 江苏科技大学 能源与动力学院,镇江 212003;

2. 江苏科技大学 分析测试中心,镇江 212003;

3. 浙江大学 材料科学与工程系 硅材料国家重点实验室,杭州 310027

摘  要:合成锰纳米颗粒并掺杂到MgH2中以改善其吸放氢性能。与MgH2相比,含10%(质量分数)锰纳米颗粒的MgH2其初始放氢温度下降到175 °C。在300、275和250°C下,该复合体系能在5、10和25 min之内分别释放出6.7%、6.5%和6.1%(质量分数)的氢气。此外,该复合体系在室温下即可吸氢,并能在50°C、30 min之内吸收2.0%(质量分数)的氢气。在掺杂10%(质量分数)锰纳米颗粒后,MgH2吸氢反应的活化能从(72.5±2.7) kJ/mol降低到(18.8±0.2) kJ/mol,该复合体系表现出优异的循环性能,在20次循环后保持着92%的初始容量。


(Edited by Bing YANG)

1003-6326/  2021 The Nonferrous Metals Society of China. Published by Elsevier Ltd & Science Press

Abstract:Mn nanoparticles (nano-Mn) were successfully synthesized and doped into MgH2 to improve its de/hydrogenation properties. Compared with MgH2, the onset desorption temperature of 10 wt.% nano-Mn modified MgH2 was decreased to 175 °C and 6.7, 6.5 and 6.1 wt.% hydrogen could be released within 5, 10 and 25 min at 300, 275 and 250 °C, respectively. Besides, the composite started to take up hydrogen at room temperature and absorbed 2.0 wt.% hydrogen within 30 min at low temperature of 50 °C. The hydrogenation activation energy of MgH2 was reduced from (72.5±2.7) to (18.8±0.2) kJ/mol after doping with 10 wt.%nano-Mn. In addition, the MgH2+10 wt.% nano-Mn composite exhibited superior cyclic property, maintaining 92% initial capacity after 20 cycles.