Effects of hydrogenation on ambient deformation behaviors of Ti-45Al alloy SU Yan-qing(苏彦庆), LIU Xin-wang(刘鑫旺), ZHAO Long(赵 龙), WANG Liang(王 亮), GUO Jing-jie(郭景杰), FU Heng-zhi(傅恒志) School...; Abstract: Effects of hydrogenation on ambient deformation behaviors of Ti-45Al alloy......
of experiment is observed in the range of 1.67×10-5-2.50×10-5m/s. The primary arm spacing decreases with increasing growth rate. Key words: Ti-45Al alloy; directional solidification; growth rate...Article ID: 1003-6326(2005)02-0286-05 Phase and its morphologies of Ti-45%Al alloy directionally solidified at different growth rates LIU Chang(刘 畅), SU Yan-qing(苏彦庆), BI Wei-sheng(毕维生), GUO......
Ti-45Al合金的定向凝固组织 () 摘要:采用区域重熔定向凝固技术制备了Ti-5Al合金定向凝固试样,研究了不同参数下的凝固组织.结果表明,该合金在定向凝固过程中一次凝固可以以胞晶形式实现定向生长,胞晶内α2/y片层方向与生长方向成45°或90°.凝固过程中稳定相β及亚稳相α同时存在,并以胞状生长,存在竞争而引起的交替现象.降速生长时定向组织比较理想.淬火实验表明,在大过冷度下亚稳α相作为领先相析出. 关键词:Ti-45Al合金; 定向凝固; 胞晶; 片层; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
Fe元素对Ti-45Al合金铸态组织及硬度的影响杨慧敏1,骆良顺2,宋美慧3,齐海群1,王春艳1,杨闯11. 黑龙江工程学院材料与化学工程学院2. 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院3. 黑龙江省科学院高技术研究院摘 要:利用非自耗真空电弧熔炼炉获得了Ti-45Al-xFe合金钮扣锭,并利用光学显微镜(OM...组织形态导致了Ti-45Al-xFe合金的硬度值增加.关键词:Ti-45Al合金;合金化;Fe元素;铸态组织;硬度;......
温度梯度对Ti-45Al合金定向凝固组织演化影响的数值模拟 傅恒志1,郭景杰2,熊艳才3,历长云1,王狂飞1 (1.河南理工大学材料学院,河南焦作,454000;2.哈尔滨工业大学材料学院,哈尔滨,150001;3.北京航空材料研究院,北京,100095) 摘要:采用基于溶质扩散控制模型结合CA方法对Ti-45Al合金定向凝固过程中温度梯度对显微组织演化影响进行了数值模拟.模拟结果表明,随着温度梯度增加,凝固形态经历了树枝晶→胞/枝混合结构→粗胞晶→细胞晶→超细胞晶的转变,而一次胞/枝晶臂间距随着凝固组织变化不断减小.此外,温度梯度很高时,固液界面处溶质富集程度很小,界面处出现溶质截流. 关键词:Ti-Al合金; 定向凝固; 组织演化; 数值模拟; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
The Strengthening of Cu-15Ni-8Sn Alloy WANG Ming-Pu1,WANG Yan-hui1,HONG Bin1 (1.School of Material Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha China) 摘要:The microstructure, property and relation between them of Cu-15Ni-8Sn alloy are studied by means of TEM and the measurement of hardness. The results show that γ '' metastable phase strengthens alloy because of its ordering......
The Technological Improvements of Aluminum Alloy Coloring by Electrolysis LI Nai-jun1 (1.Teachers College, Shenyang University, Shenyang 110015, P. R. China) 摘要:The technological process of coloring golden-tawny on aluminum alloy by electrolysis was improved in this paper. The optimum composition of electrolyte was found, the conditions of deposition and anodic oxidation by electrolysis were......
Microstructure and Performances of Nanocrystalline Zinc-nickel Alloy Coatings LI Guang-yu1,NIU Li-yuan1,JIANG Zhong-hao1,LIAN Jian-she1 (1.The Key Lab of Automobile Materials, Ministry of Education, China, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Nanling Campus, Changchun, 130025, China) 摘要:Nanocrystalline zinc-nickel alloy coatings were deposited from an alkaline......
Alloy 20不锈钢薄板等离子弧焊接工艺研究赵斌,王宾宾,王小华中国船舶重工集团公司第七二五研究所摘 要:对Alloy 20不锈钢薄板进行了等离子弧焊接工艺试验研究.结果表明,采用等离子弧焊接方法,ERCr Ni Mo-3焊材及合理的焊接工艺参数,等离子弧焊接工艺可用于Alloy 20不锈钢薄板的焊接,焊接接头各项性能均能满足要求.关键词:Alloy 20;不锈钢薄板;等离子弧焊接;......
)Abstract:Stainless die with micro-groove and micro-hole have been designed and manufactured, which has been used to study superplastic microforming of 2091Al-Li alloy by means of superplastic forming... micro-rib specimen, behavior of material could be understood well.Key words:superplasticity; microforming; extrusion; 2091Al-Li alloy......