A novel n-CeO2/n-CdO heterojunction nanocomposite for enhanced photodegradation of organic pollutants under visible light irradiationSubramani Muthupoongodi摘 要:In this study,a series of novel visible light driven n-CeO2/n-CdO heterojunction(CeO2/CdO)nanoco mposites we re successfully fabricated by simple ultrasonication method.Several characte rization......
Origin of light emission and enhanced Eu3+ photoluminescence in tin-containing glassJosé A.Jiménez1,Esteban Rosim Fachini21. Department of Chemistry, University of North Florida,Jacksonville, FL... in accord with their emission decay dynamics. The data suggested that light absorption took place at the Sn centers(donors) followed by energy transfer to Eu3+ ions(acceptors) which resulted in populating......
A novel n-CeO2/n-CdO heterojunction nanocomposite for enhanced photodegradation of organic pollutants under visible light irradiationSubramani Muthupoongodi摘 要:In this study,a series of novel visible light driven n-CeO2/n-CdO heterojunction(CeO2/CdO)nanoco mposites we re successfully fabricated by simple ultrasonication method.Several characte rization......
High visible light photocatalytic activities obtained by integrating g-C3N4 with ferroelectric PbTiO3Tingting Xu1,2,3,Ping Niu3,Shulan Wang1,Li Li2,31. Department of Chemistry, School of Science... carbon nitride(g-C3N4) with the merits of high visible light absorption, proper electronic band structure with high conduction band edge and variable modulation, is viewed as a promising photocatalyst......
Chemical-bonds Conjugated SnO2/AgIO4 Hybrids for Degradation of High Concentration Rhodamin B under Visible Light Illumination张琛旭1,吴湘锋1,2,ZHANG Mi1,ZHANG Jiarui1,SU Junzhang1,WANG Yijin1,LI Hui1,WANG... temperature. The structure, morphology, light response range, separation efficiency of the electron-hole pairs and elements of the as-synthesized samples were characterized by adopting X-ray diffraction......
at 311.5 nm suggested that these glasses could be useful as source of narrowband UV light.关键词:......
at 311.5 nm suggested that these glasses could be useful as source of narrowband UV light.关键词:......
Luminescent Properties of Tb3+ Doped CaMoO4 Phosphor for UV White Light Emitting Diode关丽,杨志平,李旭,刘冲,李盼来摘 要:A novel yellowish green phosphor Tb3+ doped.... The emission spectrum excited by 380 nm UV light was composed of four narrow bands. The strongest emission was located at 540 nm corresponding to 5D4-7F5 transition. The appropriate concentration of Tb3......
Luminescent properties of Eu3+-doped BaZrO3 phosphor for UV white light emitting diode关丽1,金立涛1,郭树青1,刘云峰2,李旭1,郭庆林1,杨志平1,傅广生11. College of Physics Science and Technology,Hebei University2. Industrial...,the excitation spectrum consisted of a broad band and a series of narrow bands and the stronger excitation peaks located at 275 and 393 nm,respectively.The emission spectrum excited by 393 nm UV light......
Structure and luminescence properties of Sm3+ doped Y2MoO6 phosphor under near ultraviolet light excitation侯得健1,潘锡翔1,李金燕1,周炜杰2,叶信宇11. School of Metallurgy and Chemistry Engineering,Jiangxi University...+ ions were discussed in detail. Considering the high color purity and appropriate emission intensity, Sm3+ doped Y2 MoO6 could be a promising phosphor under near ultraviolet light excitation.关键词:......