热连轧粗轧区立轧轧制力在线模型研究袁国明1,2,李明雷2,肖宏0(1.河北省秦皇岛市燕山大学机械工程学院2.辽宁省大连市第一重型机械集团公司大连设计研究院)摘 要:针对热连轧粗轧区立轧轧制力在线模型预报精度低的问题,采用有限元软件DEFORM模拟了板坯热连轧粗轧区立轧过程,分析了板坯立轧过程轧制力预报精度低的原因.通过对有限元模拟结果的分析,给出了板坯立辊轧边时计算变形程度的新方法,并通过回归得到了适合板坯立轧轧制力计算的外端应力状态影响系数公式,进而得到了新的轧制力计算公式.经与现场实测数据比较,明显提高了立......
of brittle materials. With increasing relative density, the whole trend of yield strength (σpl) and apparent elastic modulus (E0.2) also increases. Key words: closed-cell aluminum foam; dynamic compression; relative density; yield strength; apparent elastic modulus 泡沫铝是一种由金属骨架和泡孔组成的新......
Design and fabrication of a low modulus β-type Ti-Nb-Zr alloy by controlling martensitic transformationQing-Kun Meng1,Yu-Fei Huo1,Yan-Wei Sui1,Jin-Yong Zhang1,Shun Guo3,Xin-Qing Zhao41. School... was retained at room temperature after the thermo-mechanical treatment. As a result, both low modulus (57 GPa) and high strength (950 MPa) are obtained.The results indicate that it is a feasible strategy......
Design and Preparation of High Elastic Modulus Self-compacting Concrete for Pre-stressed Mass Concrete Structures祝雯1,2,CHEN Yang1,LI Fangxian1,3,ZHANG Tongsheng1,3,HU Jie1,3,韦江雄1,3,YU Qijun1,31... fluidity, high elastic modulus, low adiabatic temperature rise and low drying shrinkage, which cannot be satisfied by ordinary SCC. In this study, in order to solve the problem, a few principles of SCC......
关于介孔氧化硅薄膜材料泊松比的数据(0.17~0.2)[17-18],在本实验数据处理及拟合计算过程中ν取值为0.2. 表1 单晶硅弹性模量(E)拟合计算参数 Table 1 Parameters of fitting calculation for elastic modulus (E) of single crystal Si 2 结果与讨论 2.1... on a rigid substrate were evaluated by using an atomic force microscope. The compressive elastic modulus of individual microsphere was fitted and calculated by analyzing the AFM force-displacement curves......
response characteristics of compression modulus(E s) and compression index were analyzed and their relationships were established. The influences of stress state and history on K0 and Es were investigated... response; modulus of compression; over-consolidation ratio 目前,国内外学者针对K0固结仪器研制,K0固结状态土的力学性状以及强度特性进行了研究,并取得了一定成果[1-5],如:Bishop等[1]提出了用双筒围压室测量静止土压力的方法;姚仰平等[2-3]提出了初始应力各向异性K0固结土应力应变特性模型;Ohta 等[4]以原始剑桥模型为......
A Modulus Variation Model of Concrete under External Sulfate Attack: New Perspective from Statistical Evolution of Microcracks张浩1,2,佘伟1,21. School of Material Science and Engineering, Southeast University2. State Key Laboratory of High Performance Civil Engineering Material摘 要:A numerical model was proposed to describe the modulus variation of mortar......
Determination of reduced Young s modulus of thin films using indentation testWuzhu YAN,Shifeng WEN,Jun LIU and Zhufeng YUE Department of Engineering Mechanics,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi... to reveal the effect of punch size on the indentation behavior of the film/substrate system.Based on the FEM results analysis,two methods was proposed to separate film s reduced Young s modulus from......