according to previous conducted studies; however, nonexistence of certain framework for utilization of these methods, their failure criteria, statistical analysis of mechanical parameters, and even... Separation of safe and unsafe (failure) regions by limit state function [18] 4 Stress analysis of a composite laminate A simple example of composite laminate under axial tensile loading has been......
Failure characteristics of Ag-SnO2 contact material in AC levelMENG Fanbina,b,LU Jianguoa,ZHU Yongqinga,b,LU Ningyib,CHEN Zhichaob,and HUANG Qiutaob a Electrical Apparatus Institute,Hebei University of Technology,Tianjin 300130,China b Hongfa Electroacoustic Co.Ltd.,Xiamen 361021,China摘 要:The failure characteristics of the contact material Ag-SnO2 were......
state of the blade, and inching wear promotes the initiation of fatigue crack. Key words: rotor blade; fatigue; inching wear; fracture; failure analysis 压气机转子叶片是航空发动机结构件中的关键零部件之一,由于其数量多,形体单薄,载荷状况严酷,工...-zhi, NIE Jing-xu. Failure analysis and prevention for rotor in aero-engine[M]. Beijing: National Defence Industry Publishing Company, 2002. [3] 胡安辉, 马康民. 某型航空发动机压气机四级转子叶片振动特性分析[J]. 失效分析与预防, 2006, 1(4......
in emergency condition in recent years. Based on numerical analysis method, the coupled analysis was conducted on the stability of micropile composite structures reinforced slope. By comparing the failure modes... stability; failure mode; coupling analysis 微型桩组合结构通常由微型桩群和顶梁组成,是近年来边坡加固工程中常用的一种快速加固结构[1],该结构施工快捷,组合灵活且成本较低,较适宜于地震,降雨等诱发的边坡病害的快速加固.与独立微型桩群相比,微型桩结构与桩周围土体协同受力,结构的整体抗滑性能更好,而与网状微型桩结构相比,微型桩组合结构施工便捷,组合灵活,并且成本较低.目......
by virtue of the upper bound theorem of limit analysis and variation principle according to Hoek-Brown failure criterion. The seepage force was included in the upper bound limit analysis... discussed.Key words:shallow tunnel; collapse mechanism; seepage force; upper bound limit analysis; Hoek-Brown failure criterion......
Failure mechanism of bulk silicon anode electrodes for lithium-ion batteriesTao Li1,Juan-Yu Yang2,Shi-Gang Lu2,Han Wang2,Hai-Yang Ding21. National Center of Analysis and Testing for Nonferrous Metals...="ChDivSummary" name="ChDivSummary">Silicon has been investigated extensively as a promising anode material for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. Understanding the failure mechanism of silicon-based anode......
-scale field tests and numerical analysis were conducted to analyze the base failure of the circular shaft with confined water. The failure process of the shaft was observed on site. The construction... shaft subjected to hydraulic uplift. Key words: circular shaft; field test; finite element analysis; base stability; water inrush Cite this article as: ZHAO Guo-qing, YANG Yu-you, MENG Su-yun. Failure......
and the pipe potential failure position.
4.44.4 Analysis procedure
Four steps are carried out in the analysis:
1) The axial stresses...J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. (2011) 18: 1654-1661
DOI: 10.1007/s11771-011-0885-1
Strain analysis of buried steel pipelines across strike-slip faults
WANG Bin(王滨), LI Xin(李昕), ZHOU Jing(周晶......
risks. Key words: moment tensor inversion; water inrush; fault recognition; realistic failure process analysis Cite this article as: MA Ke, SUN Xing-ye, TANG Chun-an, WANG Su-jian, YUAN Fu-zhen, PENG... before July to the coal floor, which is calculated to be about 21 m. Figure 6 Distribution of rupture surfaces: 5 Numerical simulation 5.1 Advantages of realistic failure process analysis (RFPA......
decreases.Key words:structural plane; shear mechanical behavior model; failure mode; nonlinear characteristics; numerical analysis... and strain to the failure mode of structural plane considering the effect of its shape was investigated, and a model which could reflect the relation between undulate angle and shear strength was built......