is useful to detect mercury in a sample containing both mercury and nickel together. Key words: enzyme inhibition; amperometric biosensor; heavy metals 1 Introduction The presence of heavy metal salts.... Biosensors based on enzyme inhibition have been applied in a wide range of inhibitory substances such as derivatives of insecticides and pesticides, heavy metals and glycoalkaloids. Inhibition of enzyme......
新型高效酸性缓蚀剂DLY对碳钢和铜的缓蚀作用 濮文虹1,张敬东2,杨昌柱1 (1.华中科技大学;2.长沙电力学院化学系) 摘要:研制了一种新型缓蚀剂DLY,其对碳钢和铜在盐酸介质中的缓蚀效果,通过交流阻抗法测量其电极电位和极化曲线,进行了配方优选和缓蚀效果评价.确认0.3%的DLY对两种材料的缓蚀效率均超过90%,效果良好.缓蚀作用机理为覆盖效应.已在电厂热力设备的清洗中获得满意的应用. 关键词:缓蚀剂; 碳钢; 铜; 盐酸; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
糠醛对碳钢缓蚀性能的研究 刘峥1 (1.桂林工学院材料系) 摘要:采用失重法研究了糠醛对碳钢的缓蚀性能.实验表明30 ℃,4 h条件下,在5% 的盐酸中,糠醛具有较强的缓蚀作用,与六次甲基四胺复配缓蚀效果增强.通过研究找到了糠醛在碳钢上的吸附等温式,计算出碳钢溶解的表观活化能,研究了糠醛在碳钢上的吸附机理.研究表明糠醛为混合控制型缓蚀剂. 关键词:糠醛; 酸洗缓蚀剂; 协同作用; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 30(2020) 1928-1942 Oxidation of chalcopyrite in air-equilibrated acidic solution: Inhibition with phenacyl derivatives Paul CHIRITA1, MAdAlina I. DUINEA1,2, Laura G... inhibition of chalcopyrite. Quantum chemical calculations show that the adsorption of the tested compounds on the chalcopyrite surface is energetically favorable and so, it can explain the inhibiting effects......
inhibition efficiency of these LnN-M inhibitors to make the research on their corrosion inhibition performance,and the sequential order of their performance was found as follows:CeN-M> LaN-M>PrN-M,among which,the inhibition efficiency of CeN-M for the X70 steel could reach 98.21%.The synergism parameters were calculated by weight-loss method,these computational data indicated that the synergistic......
inhibition efficiency of these LnN-M inhibitors to make the research on their corrosion inhibition performance,and the sequential order of their performance was found as follows:CeN-M> LaN-M>PrN-M,among which,the inhibition efficiency of CeN-M for the X70 steel could reach 98.21%.The synergism parameters were calculated by weight-loss method,these computational data indicated that the synergistic......
, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China摘 要:<正> The inhibition effects of sodium vanadate along with inorganic coolant.... An effective combination of inhibitors containing (but not limited to) sodium vanadate, silicate, and nitrate was proposed for inhibition of AZ91D and prevention of galvanic corrosion.关键词:......
取代基咪唑啉分子结构与缓蚀性能的实验研究 王大喜1,王兆辉1 (1.石油大学北京化工学院) 摘要:合成了四个取代基咪唑啉化合物,并进行IR和UV分析.用电化学和失重法测试了化合物I-Ⅳ的缓蚀率,发现四个取代基咪唑啉化合物的缓蚀率依次增大.从实验的角度探索了取代基与缓蚀性能的关系.实验结果和理论分析表明:具有P-π共轭体系的咪唑啉化合物并同时在环上引入供电子基团,特别是具有共轭体系的取代芳烃,能增强咪唑啉型化合物的缓蚀性能. 关键词:咪唑啉合成结构缓蚀性能; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
H2S水溶液中的腐蚀与缓蚀作用机理的研究Ⅱ.碳钢在碱性H2S溶液中的阳极钝化及钝化膜破裂 曹殿珍1,曹楚南1,杨怀玉1,陈家坚1 (1.中国科学院金属研究所,金属腐蚀与防护国家重点实验室,沈阳,110015) 摘要:通过极化曲线和交流阻抗谱(EIS)测定,对低碳钢在碱性H2S溶液中的钝化及钝化膜破裂过程进行了研究.结果表明,相同pH值下,除氧碱性溶液中加入H2S,对碳钢的钝化具有一定的促进作用;在阳极极化下,钝化初期阻抗谱具有两个时间常数,表现出不完全钝化的特征;随极化电位的升高,钝化膜逐渐完整,阻抗呈单一容抗弧特征,容抗弧半径逐渐增大;当极化电位高于-690mV时,由于电极表面HS 同......