: An acidophilic, rod-shaped Gram-negative sulfur oxidizing strain BY-05 was isolated from an acid mine drainage of copper ore in Baiyin area, Gansu Province, China. Ultrastructural studies show that the isolate has a tuft of polar flagella and possesses sulfur granules with clear membrane adhering to the cell innermembrane. Physiological study shows that this isolate grows autotrophically and aerobically......
-temperature sulfur-fixing smelting process LIU Xiao-wen1, YANG Jian-guang1, WU Yong-tian2, LI Jing1, TANG Chao-bo1, CHEN Yong-ming1, TANG Mong-tang1 (1. School of Metallurgical Science...-temperature and sulfur-fixing smelting process was applied to separate antimony from stibnite. The results show that the direct recovery rate of Sb is 90%(mass fraction), and the grade of Sb is 92%(mass......
莱钢低硫钢冶炼过程硫含量控制实践倪培亮1,王玉春1,时振明1(1.山东省莱芜市莱钢银山型钢炼钢厂)摘 要:结合莱钢J55,L360等低硫钢冶炼的生产实践,分析了"铁水预脱硫处理-转炉-LF钢包精炼-连铸"全流程各工艺环节的硫含量控制技术,指出铁水预脱硫处理,转炉冶炼,LF精炼过程硫含量控制技术是低硫钢冶炼的关键技术环节.通过采用全流程硫含量控制技术,生产出了硫的质量分数最低为0.002%的低硫钢.关键词:炼钢; 低硫钢; 脱硫; 精炼; 连铸......
阐明其脱硫机理,为推动我国高硫铝土矿资源的工业应用进程提供理论指导和实验支持. 1 实验 1.1 矿样性质 高硫铝土矿原矿来自重庆南川某一水硬铝石型高硫铝土矿.矿石主要化学成分见表1. 表1 高硫铝土矿的化学成分 Table 1 Chemical compositions of high-sulfur bauxite (mass fraction...的黄铁矿外,大部分黄铁矿呈不规则粒状,脉状或微细粒浸染状等嵌布在一水硬铝石,硅酸盐矿物和脉石矿物中(见图1),属难浮选高硫铝土矿. 表2 高硫铝土矿中各矿物中硫的物相组成 Table 2 Phase distributions of sulfur presented in high-sulfur bauxite (mass fraction, %) 图1 高......
Confining sulfur in sandwich structure of bamboo charcoal and aluminum fluoride(BC@S@AlF3) as a long cycle performance cathode for Li-S batteriesZhenya Luo1,2,Xiao Wang1,2,Weixin Lei1,2,Pengtao..." name="ChDivSummary">The ’shuttle effect’ of polysulfide causing rapid capacity fade and low coulo mbic efficiency of high ene rgy storage lithium-sulfur(Li-S) batteries.Herein,a sandwich structure......
)11-3262-08 Immobilization of heavy-metal containing waste residue using sulfur to make construction materials YANG Shao-hui, MIN Xiao-bo, CHAI Li-yuan, LIANG Yan-jie, JIANG Wan-shun (School... which were produced during the treatment process of waste acid in a smelter, were used as experimental materials. The optimal conditions for sulfur immobilization were studied. The results show......
220 g/L的溶出条件下,矿石中氧化铝的相对溶出率可达到93.7%. 关键词:高硫铝土矿;焙烧预处理;脱硫;溶出性能 中图分类号:TF 803.21 文献标识码:A Roasting pretreatment of high-sulfur bauxite and digestion performance of roasted ore L? Guo-zhi, ZHANG Ting-an, BAO Li, DOU Zhi-he, ZHAO Ai-chun, QU Hai-cui, NI Pei-yuan (School of Materials and Metallurgy, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, China) Abstract: The high-sulfur......
:A Roasting oxidation-thiosulfate leaching of gold from refractory gold-bearing sulfur concentrates LI Feng1, 2, DING De-xin1, 2, HU Nan1, PENG Zhi-cheng1, 2, CHEN Wei1, 2 (1. Key Discipline Laboratory..., Hengyang 421001, China) Abstract: In order to increase the leaching rate of gold from refractory gold-bearing sulfur concentrates the synchronous thermal analyzer was adopted to study the best condition......
精炼钢渣硫赋存形式及含硫相形成机理何环宇1,倪红卫1,甘万贵2,林路1(1.湖北省武汉市武汉科技大学钢铁冶金及资源利用省部共建教育部重点实验室2.武钢冶金渣公司,湖北武汉 430082)摘 要:采用微观分析和热力学分析手段对精炼钢渣物相析出过程及硫赋存形式和含硫相形成机理进行研究,在快速冷却条件下精炼钢渣物相析出充分,物相析出顺序与其相平衡温度有关,低熔点的铝酸钙以基体相形式析出,渣中物相析出机理符合CaO-SiO2-Al2O3伪三元渣系相图研究结果,在物相析出过程中硫在基体相中富集,并在各物相交界处与其它元素......