用含锰烟尘制取锰工艺研究胡宪1(1.辽宁省丹东市辽宁地质工程职业学院)摘 要:对黄铁矿,硫酸浸出工艺用于含锰烟尘制取硫酸锰进行了试验研究,确定了最佳工艺条件.试验锰总收率可达80%以上,产品硫酸锰中锰质量分数可稳定在30%以上.该工艺可操作性强,环保,并可获得一定的经济效益.关键词:含锰烟尘; 硫酸锰; 黄铁矿; 硫酸; 浸出......
100080, China) Abstract: The flue dust generated during electric furnace production of elemental phosphorus was investigated for the recovery of gallium. Then the flue dust was slurried with water and blended with concentrated sulfuric acid, followed by ageing. The gallium in the dust was thereby converted to soluble sulfate. The factors affecting the dust curing were investigated to understand......
大气降尘中重金属形态分析及生态风险评价胡恭任1,2,戚红璐1,于瑞莲2,刘海婷2(1.福建省泉州市华侨大学环境科学与工程系2.江西省南昌市东华理工大学核资源与环境教育部重点实验室)摘 要:总结国内外大气降尘重金属形态分析常用的两种方法--Tessier五步连续提取法和BCR连续提取法,用于土壤及沉积物中重金属生态风险评价,总结出适用于大气降尘重金属生态风险评价的方法--Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法和人工模拟酸雨淋溶法,提出了这些方法存在的问题和今后的发展方向.关键词:环境工程; 大气降尘; ......
火焰原子吸收光谱法测定高炉尘中铟吕佳1,王光明2,李辽沙2(1.安徽省马鞍山市安徽工业大学 安徽省冶金工程和资源回收重点实验室2.安徽工业大学,安徽省冶金工程与资源综合利用重点实验室,安徽马鞍山 243002)摘 要:采用混合酸溶样,过量氢氧化钠溶解氢氧化铟分离富集高炉尘中痕量铟,火焰原子吸收光谱法测定样品中铟含量,建立了一种测定复杂体系中痕量铟的简便方法.对实验过程中的酸用量,不同碱液及碱用量对溶解及测定结果的影响,共存离子的干扰等情况进行了考察,确定了最佳实验条件.实验结果表明,氢氧化钠能够有效的溶解痕量氢......
首秦高炉布袋灰的自燃现象尹晓莹1,2,吴铿1,丁汝才3,朱利3,何海熙1,万鹏3(1.北京市北京科技大学 冶金与生态工程学院2.上海市首秦金属材料有限责任公司炼铁部3.中冶赛迪上海工程技术有限公司炼铁部,河北秦皇岛 066326)摘 要:首秦高炉布袋灰先后发生几次自燃现象,严重影响生产和环保.为深入了解布袋灰产生自燃的原因,提出相应的应对措施,对首秦高炉布袋灰试样进行粒度,成分的全面分析和热力学计算,并针对不同粒度和成分的未燃布袋灰进行氧化燃烧试验.试验发现,在相同试验条件下粒度细小和Zn,Na,K含量高的试样......
:A 文章编号:1672-7207(2015)09-3346-08 Simulation experiment on effects of ventilation conditions on dust diffusion of the forced with long duct fan..., Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China) Abstract: In order to improve the dust removal effect of the forced with long duct fan accompanied with short duct exhaustor......
; nevertheless, it significantly affects the FPs despite the type of insert used. Key words: metal matrix composites (MMCs); particle emission; dust emission; turning, lubrication mode Cite... on influences of machining factors and lubrication methods on machinability attributes of Ti-MMC. In particular, dust generation within both micro and nano scales was not studied in any lubricated......
:1672-7207(2013)02-0862-05 Effect of operation parameters of wet dust collector LI Xiaochuan1, 2, HU Yafei1, ZHANG Wei1, CHEN Mingjun1, LI Qiang1 (1. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, China..., China) Abstract: The operation parameters of throttle-type self-excitation dust controller were studied through the measurement of throttle liquid-level difference △h, total pressure loss R......
(2016)02-0606-09 Numerical simulation on gunite dust of bolt-shotcrete operating area in coal mine and development of new wet spraying integral machine ZHOU Gang1, 2, 3, ZHANG Qi1, 2, CHENG Weimin1, 2...) Abstract: The numerical simulations on gunite dust of migration law and mass concentration during dry and wet spraying were conducted by FLUENT software based on dispersed phase model. According......