. As a result, similar to the ion membrane electrolysis of sodium chloride, higher concentration sodium aluminate solution could be obtained in cathode region after ion membrane electrolysis of sodium... Preparation of Al(OH)3 by ion membrane electrolysis and precipitation of sodium aluminate solution with seeds LI Yuan-gao(李元高)1, 2, CHEN Qi-yuan(陈启元)2, WANG Song-sen(王松森)2, YIN Zhou-lan(尹周澜)2......
and molecular dynamics studies on the transport and adsorption of chloride ions in the nano-pores of calcium silicate phase: The influence of calcium to silicate ratios [J]. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2018, 255: 23-35. DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso. 2017.07.024. [22] ZHOU Yang, HOU Dong-shuai, JIANG Jin-yang, WANG Peng-gang. Chloride ions transport and adsorption in the nano-pores of silicate calcium......
Thermodynamic analysis on sodium carbonate decomposition of calcium molybdenum XIA Wen-tang(夏文堂), ZHAO Zhong-wei(赵中伟), LI Hong-gui(李洪桂) School of Metallurgical Science and Engineering, Central...: calcium molybdenum(CaMoO4); sodium carbonate; decomposition; thermodynamic analysis; concentration logarithm diagram  ......
; fuzzy expert system; aluminum electrolysis 1 Introduction In the aluminum electrolysis production, alumina is usually dissolved into molten cryolite, which reduces its melting temperature... Variable universe fuzzy expert system for aluminum electrolysis CAO Dan-yang1, ZENG Shui-ping2, LI Jin-hong1 1. College of Information Engineering, North China University......
文章编号:1004-0609(2014)11-2892-08 氧化锌烟尘中铟的挥发富集 罗虹霖,刘 维,覃文庆,刘瑞增,郑永兴,杨 康,韩俊伟 (中南大学 资源加工与生物工程学院,长沙 410083) 摘 要:针对含多种有价金属的还原挥发氧化锌烟尘,对各元素的挥发特性进行热力学平衡计算,实验室回转窑挥发和中试试验,验证铟镉铅选择性挥发效果,获得高铟物料和脱除氟氯的高锌焙砂的工艺路线.在实验室回转窑中,铟和铅的挥发率分别为93.20%和95.12%,同时,得到含锌67.36%,含氟0.013%和氯0.407%的焙砂.在中试试验中,挥发产物中铟的平均含量超过700g/t,较原料富集比超过2倍,铅的平均挥发率达到98.94%,焙砂中平均锌含量为64.16%,锌焙砂中氟和氯的含量分别降到了0.013%和0.211%,这说明从氧化锌烟尘中分离铟并获得可以满足电解......
words: potassium intercalation; graphite; molten salt; aluminum electrolysis; KF 1 Introduction Commercial primary aluminum production leads to great energy consumption because it is carried out at high temperature (around 960 °C) by electrolyzing alumina dissolved in molten cryolite. To lower the electrolysis temperature is an effective way to reduce energy consumption. Although lower temperature......
Electroreduction of Samarium Ion on Co and CuCathodes in Molten Chloride童叶翔,杨绮琴,刘冠昆,钟奇志摘 要:ElectroreductionofSamariumIononCoandCuCathodesinMoltenChlorideTongYexiang,YangQiqin,LiuGuankunandZhongQizhi(童叶翔)(杨绮琴)(刘冠昆)(钟奇...关键词:......
Electroreduction of Yb(Ⅲ) on Co Cathode in Molten Chloride刘冠昆,童叶翔,杨绮琴,洪惠婵,陈胜阳摘 要:ElectroreductionofYb(Ⅲ)onCoCathodeinMoltenChloride1LiuGuankun,TongYexiang,YangQiqin,HongHuichanandChenShengyang(刘冠昆)(童叶翔)(杨绮琴...关键词:......