indicate that the specimens with large size undergo low solution temperature and short time, giving rise to the reduction of hardening precipitates. The optimized solution treatments for specimens... of the large specimen, which is consistent with the properties of the alloys. Key words: aluminum alloy; specimen size; solution treatment; heating rate; hardening precipitate 1 Introduction Al-Zn-Mg-Cu......
Microscopic phase-field simulation for precipitation behavior of Ni-Al-Cr alloy during two-step aging ZHANG Ji-xiang(张济祥), CHEN Zheng(陈 铮), LIANG Min-jie(梁敏洁), WANG Yong-xin(王永欣), LAI Qing...; Abstract: Based on the microscopic phase-field model, the pre-aging temperature effects on the precipitation mechanism and microstructure evolution during two-step aging for Ni75Al9Cr16 alloy were......
Combined effect of amino and carboxyl group in α-alanine on seeded precipitation of sodium aluminate solution L? Bao-lin(吕保林), CHEN Qi-yuan(陈启元), YIN Zhou-lan(尹周澜), HU Hui-ping(胡慧萍) School... precipitation mechanism of sodium aluminate solution. α-alanine has the inhibitory effect at the initial period of reaction, but the favorable effect in subsequent reaction. The combined effect of amino......
有机物切割刀具用钢9CrV的低温二次硬化技术及原理陈明昕1,2,雍岐龙1,刘振宝2,亓海全2,雍兮2(1.北京市钢铁研究总院2.云南省昆明市昆明理工大学材料与冶金工程学院)摘 要:深入分析了有机物切割刀具用钢9CrV通过低温二次硬化实现超硬化的技术原理,采用特殊热处理工艺,在低温回火时直接析出大量微细的合金渗碳体,通过高碳马氏体强化叠加微细弥散合金渗碳体的沉淀强化可显著提高钢的硬度实现超硬化,合金渗碳体的尺寸细化到50 nm左右,由此使钢的热处理硬度达到HRC 68~72.关键词:9CrV; 刀具......
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the aging precipitation of Mg-6Gd alloy; Mg-6Gd-Y-0.6Zr alloy maintaining a considerable supersaturation in matrix exhibits a remarkable age-hardening response at 200 ℃; the precipitates near grain..., Nie J F. Enhanced precipitation-hardening in Mg-Gd alloys containing Ag and Zn[J]. Scripta Materialia, 2008, 58(8): 619-622. [6] Zheng K Y, Dong J, Zeng X Q, et al. Precipitation and its effect......
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Age Hardening in Rapidly Solidified Al-V-Zr Alloy宁远涛,李永年摘 要:<正> Rapidly solidified Al-3.9V-0.1 Zr alloy is a single sol-id solution.The metastable limited solid solubility ofsolute V in Al reaches 3.9 wt-% under about 106 K/scooling rate.A strong age hardening response have beenobserved in this alloy.A large amount of dislocation linesand loops......
Synthesis and Characterization of Large Surface Area Yttrium Oxide by Precipitation Method 龙志奇1,崔大立1,崔梅生1,张顺利1,黄小卫1 (1.Grirem Advanced Materials Corporation Limited, General Research Institute... and L.O.I less than 1% was prepared in the suitable precipitation condition and calcinations temperature when the ammonia used as precipitant. The SEM shows that the Y2O3 prepared with large surface......