; 文章编号:1672-7207(2013)06-2200-07 Process of high-arsenic dust containing tin volatilization from DC submerged arc furnace YUAN Haibin1, 2, ZHU Yuyan1, ZHANG Jibin1, 3 (1... Limited Liability Company, Gejiu 661000, China) Abstract: A novel process was developed to treat high-arsenic dust containing tin volatilization by DC submerged arc furnace. To investigate the effects......
首秦高炉布袋灰的自燃现象尹晓莹1,2,吴铿1,丁汝才3,朱利3,何海熙1,万鹏3(1.北京市北京科技大学 冶金与生态工程学院2.上海市首秦金属材料有限责任公司炼铁部3.中冶赛迪上海工程技术有限公司炼铁部,河北秦皇岛 066326)摘 要:首秦高炉布袋灰先后发生几次自燃现象,严重影响生产和环保.为深入了解布袋灰产生自燃的原因,提出相应的应对措施,对首秦高炉布袋灰试样进行粒度,成分的全面分析和热力学计算,并针对不同粒度和成分的未燃布袋灰进行氧化燃烧试验.试验发现,在相同试验条件下粒度细小和Zn,Na,K含量高的试样......
Zn(Ⅱ)-(NH4)2SO4-H2O体系中锌的电积宋丹娜1,张鹏2,唐谟堂3(1.北京市环境科学研究院2.中南大学 冶金科学与工程学院,长沙 4100833.中南大学 冶金科学与工程学院, 长沙 410083)摘 要:研究采用Zn(Ⅱ)-(NH4)2SO4-H2O体系从高氟和氯锌烟尘中回收锌新工艺的电积过程.结果表明,在阴极电流密度400A·m-2,温度60℃,起始Zn2+浓度60g·L-1,异极矩3cm,时间4h的最佳电积条件下,所得电锌品位>99.97%,阴极锌析出率为83.09%,电流效率92.8......
MATLAB编程平台,调用EPANET动态链接库作为水力水质计算引擎[26],编写了模型求解程序.求解流程如图1所示.求解该程序的基本思想是: 图1 矿井防尘供水管网可靠度评价模型求解流程 Fig. 1 Flow chart of solving the reliability evaluation model of mine water supply network for dust control...点,管径为108 mm.通过连续监测7 d各类工作面用水量,计算出各类工作面的平均日防尘用水量变化数据,并进行水力水质模拟,各类工作面用水情况如图3所示. 图2 矿井防尘供水管网拓扑结构及基本信息图 Fig. 2 Topological structure and basic information of the mine water supply network for dust......
of reactions is determined by curve fitting and minimization of error.Key words:lycopodium dust particles; thermogravimetric analysis; pyrolysis; combustion; ignition temperature; chemical kinetics......
; nevertheless, it significantly affects the FPs despite the type of insert used. Key words: metal matrix composites (MMCs); particle emission; dust emission; turning, lubrication mode Cite... on influences of machining factors and lubrication methods on machinability attributes of Ti-MMC. In particular, dust generation within both micro and nano scales was not studied in any lubricated......
characteristics and dust reduction capacity of gas-water nozzles in metal mines JIANG Zhongan, WANG Yapeng, XU Feng (School of Civil and Resource Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract: In order to analyze the atomization characteristics and dust-reducing effect of high ore pass nozzles in metal mines, a high ore pass spray dust-reducing experimental......
="ChDivSummary">Mine dust is classified as one of five natural coal mining disasters because it can harm the health of miners and poses a serious threat to the safety of the coal mine. Therefore, preparation of an effective dust suppression agent is highly desired. To improve the capture efficiency of fine dust, this study examines the dust suppression effects of various combinations of wetting agents......