oxidation will increase with the increase of hydrogen pressure. It is exhibited in Fig.5 that when hydrogen pressure is zero, R3 is very large, electrode alloy is in the primary solubility range (α phase... temperature improves the electrode performance for decreasing activation polarization and ohmic polarization; however, the increase of temperature goes against the stability of metal hydride phase......
for Non-ferrous Metals, Beijing 100088, China (Received 2002-09-01)摘 要:<正> A series of Mg2-xCrxNi alloy powder has been produced by combination of solid-state diffusion with mechanical grinding (MG). X-ray diffraction patterns show that the alloy powders have an amorphous structure and great increase in the specific surface. Electrochemical detection......
on the nickel electrode can form a series of Ni-Yalloys.X-ray diffraction analysis was employed to determine the alloy compositions formed under different con-ditions.关键词:...Electrode Process of Y3+Ion on Molybdenum and Nickel Electrodes in YCl3-NaCl-KCl Melt张小联,赵敏寿摘 要:<正> The electrode process of Y3+ion on molybdenum......
and nickel metal at current density of 120 mA/cm2, respectively. It shows that adding cobalt element in Ni-S alloy can obviously improve HER activity of the electrode. Fig.3 Polarization curves... that of other two electrodes, which indicates that its HER activity is higher than those of Ni-S alloy and nickel metal electrode. Fig.4 Relationship between exchange current density and T -1......
and measured the composition of the alloy at different temperatures. In this study, by means of cyclic voltammetry and chronopotentiometry, the chemical behavior of Ir(III)/Ir(0) on a Pt working electrode...; the diffusion coefficients of Ir(III) at 1083, 1113, 1143 and 1183 K are 1.56×10-4, 2.23×10-4, 2.77×10-4 and 4.40×10-4 cm2/s, respectively, while the activation energy of the electrode reaction is 102.95 kJ/mol......
Electrochemical properties of Ca–Pb electrode for calcium-based liquid metal batteriesXiao-hui Ning,Chen-zheng Liao,Guo-qing LiCenter for Advancing Materials Performance from the Nanoscale (CAMP-Nano), State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi’an Jiaotong University摘 要:The Ca–Pb electrode couple is considered to be one of the least......
, and the cycling life of the alloy electrode are also in close relationship with the x value. When x value increases from 0.1 to 0.3, the discharge capacities with a discharge current density of 60 mA/g slightly decreases at 25 ℃, but evidently deteriorates at -40 ℃, the high-rate property gravely decreases, and the cycle life of the alloy electrode is improved in some extent. Therefore......