Ultrasonication solid state chemical reaction synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline Zn(Oxin)2?2H2O (zinc 8-quinolinolate) LI Dao-hua(李道华) Department of Chemistry and Life Science... 8-quinolinolate) was synthesized by solid state chemical reaction. The particle size distribution was relatively uniform, the morphology of the mare was ball like particle. The phase, particle size......
Effects of deposition parameters on microstructure and thermal conductivity of diamond films deposited by DC arc plasma jet chemical vapor deposition QU Quan-yan(瞿全炎)1, 2, QIU Wan-qi(邱万奇)1, ZENG...; Abstract: The uniform diamond films with 60 mm in diameter were deposited by improved DC arc plasma jet chemical vapor......
alloys. Its process flow is as follows: Cleaning with isopropanol by sonication→alkaline cleaning→chemical etching→copper immersion. In addition, the effect of HF concentration and temperature... alloy plating and electroplating and electroless plating on magnesium alloys prepared by chemical conversion coating were presented in detail. Especially, the research development of magnesium alloy......
ARTICLE J. Cent. South Univ. (2019) 26: 1218-1232 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-019-4082-y Entropy optimization in cubic autocatalysis chemical reactive flow of Williamson fluid subjected... is described via implementation of thermodynamic second law. Chemical processes (heterogeneous and homogeneous) subjected to entropy generation are introduced first time in literature. Boundary-layer......
珠光体轨道钢白蚀层的研究进展赵骏韦1,胡正飞1,陆传镇1(1.上海市同济大学材料科学与工程学院上海市金属功能材料开发应用重点实验室)摘 要:珠光体轨道钢是目前我国铁路轨道采用的主要钢种,其性能特点是抗磨损性能好,屈服强度高.珠光体轨道钢在服役时,表面发生损伤,有白蚀层生成,它对钢轨的服役寿命有重大影响.主要介绍了珠光体轨道钢白蚀层的研究进展,从白蚀层的形成过程,组织结构,形成机理等方面进行了阐述. 关键词:珠光体轨道钢; 白蚀层; 渗碳体分解; 马氏体转变; 纳米晶粒......
. The photocurrent increases rapidly at first and becomes stable for the "pumping" effect with the radiation time. Key words: diamond film; hot filament chemical vapor deposition(HFCVD); annealing; radiation 1 Introduction Diamond used as semiconductor material exhibits many outstanding features such as chemical inertness, irradiation hardness and wide band gap. Other desirable properties of diamond......
Chemical synthesis of SmCo5/Co magnetic nanocompositesRun-Bo Lu,Zhen-Hui Ma,Tian-Li Zhang,Cheng-Bao Jiang摘 要:A three-step chemical synthesis of SmCo5/Co..., the SmCo5/Co nanocomposites were achieved by chemical deposition based on SmCo5 particles. The SmCo5/Co nanocomposites contain hard magnetic phase of SmCo5 with about 100 nm in size and soft magnetic......
Chemical synthesis of nanocrystalline ZrO2-SnO2 composite powdersYANG Huaming;ZHANG Xiangchao;YANG Wuguo;HUANG Chenghuan;QIU Guanzhou Department of Inorganic Materials, School of Resources Processing... for chemical sensors.关键词:......
铍材机加应力沿层深分布规律 邹觉生1,董平1,张鹏程1 (1.中国工程物理研究院,) 摘要:采用X2001应力分析仪测试了铍材经车加工和铣加工后的残余应力,研究了机加工参数对残余应力的影响及残余应力消除方法.结果表明,车加工和铣加工均使铍材表层产生压应力,随进刀量和吃刀深度的增加,压应力逐渐增大,其范围在100~200MPa之间.化学蚀刻是消除铍材机加应力的有效方法.化学蚀刻后逐层测试所得应力沿深度分布与用多波长法测试结果趋势一致,大小略有差异. 关键词:铍材; 机加应力; 化学蚀刻; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
J. Cent. South Univ. (2018) 25: 1895-1903 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-018-3879-4 A new reaction system to determine nonlinear chemical fingerprint and its use in Panax ginseng identification method based on double reaction system TAN Xue-ying(谭雪莹), DENG Fei-yue(邓飞跃), ZHANG Tai-ming(张泰铭),HUANG Jian(黄坚), CHEN Chun-nan(陈春楠) School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South......