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nanostructures such as fullerenes was reported[12] and flame synthesis of pure CNTs has also met with a little success, so an ethanol burner was used as the source of the flame in our experiment. Compared......
kiln by burner and provides heat for the whole grate-kiln system. Recycle gas, i.e. secondary air, enters rotary kiln from the lower end as heat supplement. The reactions inside pellet......
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of practical examples, including piling rig positioning [10], automated verticality alignment system for a vibro-lance [11] and LUCIE [3, 12]. However, in the latter case, the nonlinear joint dynamics.... Development of an automated verticality alignment system for a vibro-lance [J]. Automation in Construction, 2008, 17(5): 645-655. [11] DIXON R, CHOTAI A, YOUNG P C, SCOTT J N. The automation of piling rig......
, using a rig designed by ourselves. Figure 1 shows the schematic of the electrical system. The apparatus consisted of heating chamber, heating system, experimental data acquisition and processing system... of the data collecting system was set to be 1.7 s to accumulate large enough data sets, in order to minimize the systematic errors. Fig. 1 Schematic of electrical resistivity measurement rig During......
carried out using a self-fabricated air-jet erosion test rig as shown in Fig. 1. This set-up mainly consisted of an air compressor unit, a particle feeder, an air-particle mixing chamber...; (2) where v is the impact velocity. Fig. 1 Erosive wear test rig developed for erosion test After the experimentation, the specimens were cleaned with acetone and weighed......