with two different hulk sulfur contents, and NiCoCrAlY on PWA1484. Auger electron microscopy was used to study the chemistry at the TGO/coating interface after portions of the oxide scale were removed... to the interface chemistry, particular its sulfur level. Results show strong relationship between sulfur segregation and the alloy substrate composition. This relationship is discussed in terms of the effects......
potential and sulfur potential has a favorable effect on the reaction in the furnace and can effectively restrain the formation of Fe3O4 and reduce copper in the slag. Key words: copper smelting; oxygen bottom blowing; smelting mechanism; oxygen potential; sulfur potential; smelting product; microanalysis 氧气底吹熔池熔炼是我国自主研发的具有自主知识产权的新一代熔池强化熔炼技术,又叫氧气底吹造锍捕金技术.该熔炼技术具有高效,节能,投资少及环保友好的优势.因此,这种熔炼技术应用于多金属矿综......
, and their morphologies are spheroid and columnar bodies. Key words: solution after precipitating gold; sulfur dioxide; reduction; selenium; tellurium; platinum; palladium 铜阳极泥是电解精炼粗铜时所产生的不溶物,它的产率一般为电解铜产量的0.2%~1.0......
氰化尾渣综合回收工艺及实践路明福1,温建波1(1.山东省烟台市山东中矿集团有限公司)摘 要:采用优先混合浮选铅锌,硫酸脱氰活化,铜硫分离方法,实现了氰化尾渣中铜,铅,锌,金,银和氰化钠的综合回收.该工艺工业应用达到的技术指标为:铅锌混合精矿中铅品位为25.00%,锌品位为27.00%,铅回收率为65.60%,锌回收率为70.90%;铜精矿品位为15.25%,回收率75.48%;同时可副产金银.关键词:氰化尾渣; 浮选; 铅; 锌; 铜; 硫; 回收率......
高炉喷吹煤粉质量分布和组分特性关系的研究焦红光1,刘鹏1,陈清如1(1.河南省焦作市河南理工大学材料科学与工程学院)摘 要:为了解磨制高炉喷吹煤粉的质量分布和组分特性间的关系,以洛阳某矿生产的原煤为样品磨矿制粉,采用X射线衍射仪和振动样品磁强计分别考察了不同粒度级煤粉的质量状况(灰分,硫分和比磁化率等指标),进而研究了不同粒度级煤粉的组分特性.发现磨制高炉喷吹煤粉的灰分,硫分和比磁化率均随煤粉颗粒粒径减小而递减;而这种规律是由于煤系矿物质同煤基质之间可磨性和磁性的差异造成的,在此基础上结合煤粉制备系统提出了回粉......
. 关键词:冶金技术; 吸附; D301G树脂; Cr(Ⅵ); metallurgical technology; sonochemical reactor; ultrasonic power; desorption of sulfur dioxide; citrate solution; ultrasonic caviration; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
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