. [4] LIANG G, HUOT J, BOILY S, VAN NESTE A, SCHULZ R. Catalytic effect of transition metals on hydrogen sorption in nanocrystalline ball milled MgH2-Tm (Tm=Ti, V, Mn, Fe and Ni) systems[J]. J Alloys......
高于0.5%(质量分数)时,烧结通过晶界扩散进行;当加入量达到3%(质量分数)时会出现晶粒的异常长大现象.TOY等[48]也认为,在固溶极限范围内,加入MnO2时无第二相和液相出现,与Fe,Ti一样,Mn也可以以多种离子价态存在,变价作用会产生离子空位,从而加快体积扩散.但加入MnO2烧结形成的Al2O3晶粒内部会形成闭合的气孔,材料不可能完全致密. TZING和TUAN[49]的研究表明......
, photoluminescence and infrared reflection, were introduced. Several synthesis processes, such as sol-gel method, hydrothermal method, refluxing method and co-precipitation method, were discussed...块电阻为16.31 Ω/□.BARICK等[34]也在170 ℃的回流温度下,实现了Mn,Sb,Bi和Sn与ZnO的共掺杂,SEM像分析表明混合掺杂的ZnO粒径仅为10 nm左右. 2.4 共沉淀法 化学共沉淀法通常是在溶液状态下将不同化学成分的物质混合,在混合溶液中加入适当的沉淀剂制备前驱体沉淀物,再将沉淀物进行干燥和煅烧,从而得到相应的粉体颗粒.该法可以精确控制各组分的含量,实现不......
for reducing residual stress on the workpiece surface. MORI et al [57] developed a hot shear spinning process for a cast aluminum alloy (7.36%Si, 0.18%Fe, 0.05%Cu, 0.02%Mn, 0.57%Mg, 0.01%Zn, 0.06%Ti... reactions with particles and atoms of Mg and Mn in solid solution. XIAO et al [60] investigated the effect of hot backward flow spinning process on the microstructure and mechanical properties of spray......
Diagram of laneway branch point 交叉处建模关键过程为:根据中心线的断面属性,获取断面的墙高,拱高/底宽比,并以QD,TP,MN,TN为底边,建立断面轮廓线S0,S1,S2和S3;采用单一巷道实体的建模方法,生成轮廓线S0和S1之间的巷道实体,效果示意图见图7;连接JK,分别对多边形EFJK,KJPM和NTPM实现快速多边形网格三角化;合并所有的三角网格......
, 0.108% Fe, 0.002% Cu, 0.002% Mn, 0.002% Cr, 0.004% Ni, 0.001% Pb, 0.001% Ca, 0.001% Sn, and balance Mg. The specimens were successively polished to a 2000-grit SiC finish, degreased in ethanol......
算 常用的载氧体为Fe,Co,Ni,Cu和Mn的氧化物,在600~1 200 ℃下CH4与常见氧化物的反应热力学数据如图3所示,lg K越大说明金属氧化物与CH4反应越容易,MnO2/Mn2O3,Mn2O3/Mn3O4,Co3O4/CoO,CuO/Cu2O比Fe2O3/Fe3O4和NiO/Ni更容易氧化CH4,并且Fe2O3/Fe3O4,Mn2O3/Mn3O4,CuO/Cu2O和NiO/Ni都可以......
oxides of transition-state metals ni, Cu, Fe, and Mn supported on SiO2 and MgAl2O4[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2006, 20(1): 34-44. [65] RYDEN M, LYNGFELT A, MATTISSON T. Chemical-looping combustion......
, 0.65% Zn, 0.25% Mn, and 0.014% Si, Fe, Be, Ni, and Cu was used as the processing material. The rods with an outer diameter of 12 mm and a length of 80 mm were prepared from the as-cast material......