was achieved. Combining the deduction from the component phase diagrams of the binary systems using the phase equilibrium theorem,the primary isothermal phase diagram was plot-ted over the composition...Primary study of the isothermal phase diagram of the Cu2O-Al2O3-SiO2 ternary system at 1150℃ in airXIAO Qiuguo1,2),ZHAO Xinhua1),HUANG Ling1),and DENG Xuebin1) 1) Department of Chemistry,Beijing......
Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 1947-1957 Effect of hot deformation on α→β phase transformation in 47Zr-45Ti-5Al-3V alloy Yuan-biao TAN1,2, Li-yuan Ji2, Wen-chang LIU2, Song XIANG1, Fei... of strain rate and deformation temperature on the α→β phase transformation in 47Zr-45Ti-5Al-3V alloy with an initial widmanstatten α structure was investigated. At the deformation temperature of 550 °C......
of perovskite are non-equilibrium process at the beginning of isothermal treatment. There are two factors influencing the growth rate of perovskite phase on non-equilibrium condition, one... described by the JMAK equation. Key words: titanium bearing slag; perovskite phase; kinetics; non-equilibrium process  ......
show that fluctuations of pressure and amplitude of volume flow rate increase with the increase of the hot side temperature, that phase has a downward trend with the increase of the hot end temperature... region in the stacks. Key words: thermoacoustic engine; phase difference; numerical simulation; field synergy 热声热机以其可靠性高,使用寿命长,绿色环保等特点,成为近年来制冷及低温领域的研究热点.经过最近二三十年的快速发展,热声技术的研究已经取得了许多成果[1-4].但要更进一步地提高声......
DSC Investigation of Phase Transitions in System LaH2-LaH3 王龙妹1 (1.Central Iron & Steel Research Institute, Beijing 100081, China) Abstract:Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements... complicated DSC signals (double, triple etc. peaks) were observed which some of them were up to 4 phase transformations. Based on these measurements and carried out on high purity samples and supported......
?=-(1.63437×105/T)+71.8The phase equilibria for Ni-Ce-S-O and Ni-Y-S-O solutions at 1600℃ provide the basis for pre-dicting the sequence and type of Ce and Y equilibrium phases formed in Ni-base...Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria for Ce,Y in the Presence of O,S in Ni-base Solutions杜挺,王龙妹,刘爱生,吴夜明,张玉清摘 要:<正> The deoxidation,desulfuration......
, the formation of α2 phase plays a main role. For TC11 titanium alloy, the main decrease stage of plasticity results from the coarsening of α2 phase during thermal exposure process. Key words: TC11 titanium alloy; thermal exposure; tensile property; precipitated phase 基金项目:总装备部预研基金资助项目(51312010311) 收稿日期:2012-04-14;修订日期:2012-09-12 通信作者:夏长清,教授;电话:0731-88830267;E-mail: xia-gro@mail.csu.edu.cn 钛及钛合金因为密度低......
Phase structure of ZK60-1Er magnesium alloy compressed at 450 ?C WANG Zhong-jun(王忠军)1, YANG Qing-xiang(杨庆祥)2, QIAO Jun(乔 军)1 1. School of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University... 2010 Abstract: The phase structure of ZK60-1Er magnesium alloy thermally compressed at the temperature of 450 ?C and the strain rate of 1×10-4 s-1 was determined by transmission electron microscopy......
:TG 171; TG 113 文献标识码:A Amorphous phase in hot dip aluminized layer of steel ZHANG Wei1, 2, FAN Zhi-kang1, WEN Jiu-ba3, ZHANG Zhi-qiang4, GUO Xian-jun2 (1... diffractometry (XRD) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The amorphous phase is found in the outer layer of hot-dip aluminized layer. In order to clear the phenomenon, the Al-Fe alloy liquids used......