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of spring, respectively; and the subscripts p and s denote the primary and secondary suspension, respectively. According to the energy variation principle [42], the dynamic equation of the train can expressed......
and automatic casting, because of their non-contacting, pollution-free and easily-controlled advantages [22,23]. Meanwhile, the sequential solidification (SS) process is often used as one of the most...; (12) Therefore, according to the law of conservation of energy, following formulas can be obtained [42]: Pl-P0+△Ps+△Pv-△Pf=0 ......
treatment was characterized using Leica DVM6 optical microscope (OM), Hitachi TM3000 scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD......
,无铬转化膜的综合性能亟需进一步提升. 表1 无铬转化膜常见分类及性能 Table 1 Category and performance of chromium-free conversion coating 三价铬转化膜工艺因其具有低毒,环保且高效,耐蚀等特点,被视作替代六价铬转化膜的最有前景和应用价值的轻合金表面处理方法.值得注意的是,三价铬转化膜腐蚀过程存在铬酸盐价... chromates, chromate coatings, and chromate-free coatings[J]. Corrosion, 2003, 59: 379-400. [6] GHARBI O, THOMAS S, SMITH C, et al. Chromate replacement: What does the future hold?[J]. NPJ Materials......
only in the form of C-C bonds, C-H bonds and C-N bonds. The C of the Mg-CaPNPs-RGD, Mg-CaPNPs-TAT and Mg-CaPNPs-RGD-TAT grafted groups existing in the form of C-H, C-N and N-C=O bonds (binding energy......
or the ratio of reinforcement. Up to now, the advantages of ECC in terms of impact resistance, energy-dissipating capacity and long-term durability have been verified by numerous investigations [3-5]. Various..., which was clearly illustrated in Figure 14(b). This mechanism helps to provide enhanced fiber bridging stress. However, it might lead to reduced complementary energy in crack bridging law......
·K-1), Q is the activation energy (kJ/mol), σ is the flow stress (MPa), A, n, β and n1 are material constants, and α is the stress exponent which can be identified as α=β/n1. Equation (1) is suitable......
, which is complemented by an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDS: TESCAN MIRA3, LMH- XMAX20). The top part of the obtained sample (top 15 mm of the sample) was cut off and its composition......
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