Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 25(2015) 3056-3063 Influences of electric-hydraulic chattering on backward extrusion process of 6061 aluminum alloy Xin-hua HU1,2, Zhi-heng WANG1 , Guan-jun BAO1...: The possibility of the electric-hydraulic chattering technology and its application in the cold extrusion were presented. The conventional and electric-hydraulic chattering assisted backward extrusion processes......
of the fault spreading. By applying the modeling method of fuzzy fault Petri nets in fault reasoning and diagnosis, the thought of combining the forward reasoning and backward reasoning was proposed... spreading, and backward reasoning can carry out fuzzy reasoning perfectly, and so the method is practical. Key words: fuzzy fault Petri nets; forward reasoning; backward reasoning 在进行故障诊断与推理过程中,往往存在很多不确......
; 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-7207(2011)02-0323-06 Effect of pass deformation in hot rolling on microstructure..., Changsha 410083, China) Abstract: The effect of pass deformation in hot rolling on the electrochemical property and anti-corrosion property of Al alloy anode in alkaline solution (80 ℃, Na2SnO3+5 mol/L......
影响中厚板探伤合格率的因素分析吴伟勤1,蔡可森1,党军1(1.江苏省南京市南京钢铁股份有限公司中厚板卷厂)摘 要:为提高钢板探伤合格率,对钢板探伤不合格原因进行数理统计及对不合格钢板取样微观分析,找出造成钢板探伤不合格的主要原因为氢脆,裂纹,夹杂,分层;针对存在的问题,对精炼,连铸,轧钢等工序工艺进行优化,对头坯,尾坯,钢板轧制压缩比进行分类管理;通过实施以上改进措施,2009年中厚板卷厂钢板探伤合格率由2008年的95.49%提高到98.26%,2010年1季度探伤合格率进一步提高到99.58%,达到国际一流......
末道次轧制力锁定法在中厚板规程计算中的应用崔海涛1,许磊1,王国栋1(1.辽宁省沈阳市东北大学轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室)摘 要:在中厚板轧机无液压弯辊条件下,为防止传统轧制规程计算方法造成的板形问题,提出了一种末道次轧制力锁定的轧制规程计算方法.该方法将操作工提前给定的末道次轧制力作为轧制规程计算的约束条件之一,通过控制道次规程末道次的轧制力达到控制板形的目的.实际应用结果表明,该方法使操作工能够根据经验对板形进行有效控制,明显减少中浪,边浪等板形问题,具有良好的使用价值.关键词:末道次......
Inhomogeneity of density and mechanical properties of A357 aluminum alloy backward extruded in semi-solid state DU Zhi-ming1, 2, CHEN Gang1, CHENG Yuan-sheng1, XIE Shui-sheng2 1. School... state were investigated. Numerical simulation and backward extrusion were adopted to study the preparation of cup shells. The results show that the relative density of the wall is the lowest in samples......