of scorodite precipitate at various Fe/As molar ratio 图3 Fe/As摩尔比对沉砷率,沉铁率及溶液铁浓度影响 Fig. 3 Effects of Fe/As molar ratio on As and Fe removal rates(a), and iron concentration(b) 由图2可知,当Fe... of initial pH value and reaction time on As and Fe removal rates(a), and iron concentration(b) 由图5(a)可知,在初始pH值为0.2时,较难生成臭葱石,因在水热条件下沉砷反应是产酸反应,会使沉砷后液pH值降低,此酸度明显高于臭葱石稳定存在的酸度范围.在初始pH值为0.5时,由于处在臭葱石稳定存在区内,形......
:1672-7207(2016)10-3295-07 Process study on iron removal of leachate from coal fly ash sintered by concentrated sulfuric acid LIU Kang1, 3, XUE Jilai1, 2, ZHU Jun1, 2, TAN Qiwei1 (1. School... 100083, China; 3. Beijing Institute of Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy, China National Nuclear Corporation, Beijing 101149, China) Abstract: Iron removal process of leachate from coal fly ash......
(Fe,Mn)3Si2, which provided the lower balanced Fe concentration in the melt in comparison with other Fe-rich intermetallics. Key words: aluminium alloy; solidification; intermetallics; iron removal 1... products [5,6]. Therefore, the minimization of detrimental effect of Fe-rich intermetallics has been one of the active research areas in past several decades, in which removal of iron from aluminium......
Synthesis of nanoscale zero-valent iron supported on exfoliated graphite for removal of nitrate ZHANG Huan(张 环)1,2, JIN Zhao-hui(金朝晖)1, HAN Lu(韩 璐)1, QIN Cheng-hua(秦承华)1 1.Department... was absent in the above procedure. To assay the effect of the support itself on contaminant removal, graphite was treated by omitting the iron salt in the same procedure[2]. Surface areas (BET area......
Kinetics of iron removal from metallurgical grade silicon with pressure leachingYU Zhanlianga, b, c, XIE Keqianga, MA Wenhuia, ZHOU Yanga, XIE Gangb, c, and DAI Yongniana a National Engineering... was investigated. The effects of particle size, temperature, total pressure, and concentration of hydrochloric acid on the kinetics and mechanism of iron removal were studied. It was found......
for enhanced removal of iron from bauxite ores [J]. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 1991, 31(3/4): 233-246. [6] LI Mi, PENG Bing, CHAI Li-yuan, PENG Ning, YAN Huan, HOU Dong-ke. Recovery of iron...J. Cent. South Univ. (2016) 23: 1899-1905 DOI: 10.1007/s11771-016-3245-3 Magnetizing roast and magnetic separation of iron in rare-earth tailings YANG He(杨合), RONG Yi(荣宜), HAN Chong(韩冲), TANG Rong(唐......
Influence of acid leaching and calcination on iron removal of coal kaolinPei-wang Zhu,Wei-qiang Zeng,Xiu-lin Xu,Le-ming Cheng,Xiao Jiang,Zheng-lun ShiState Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization... after firing at 900°C. It can be concluded that it is difficult to remove the structural ferric ions and ferric oxides evolved from the structural ferrous ions. Thus, iron removal by acids should......
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Removal of iron and aluminum impurities from metallurgical grade-silicon with hydrometallurgical route YU Zhan-liang(于站良)1, 2, MA Wen-hui(马文会)1, 2, DAI Yong-nian(戴永年)1,2, YANG Bin(杨 斌)1, 2... ℃, time 4 d, diameter for raw material 50 μm. The removal efficiencies of impurities iron and aluminum are up to 85% and 75%, respectively. Key words: solar grade silicon; metallurgical grade silicon......