and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;2.Magnetism Key Laboratory of Zhejiang Province, College of Science, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China) Abstract:Yttrium oxide doped with europium has a great prospective for FED and PDP phosphor application. In present study, the precursor of yttrium oxide hydroxide nitrate nanorod, which was prepared via hydrothermal......
Synthesis of Yttrium Oxide Nanocrystal via Solvothermal Process郭煌,洪樟连,张世著,张朋越,樊先平摘 要:<正>Y2O3 nanomaterials have been widely used in transparent... oxyhydroxide precursor was synthesized via a facile solvothermal process through the dissolution-re-crystallization mechanism of Y2O3 raw powders in the ethylenediamine solvent, then nanosized yttrium oxide......
Study on phosphating treatment of aluminum alloy:role of yttrium oxide张圣麟College of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Henan Normal University摘 要:Zinc phosphate coatings formed on 6061-Al alloy,after dipping in phosphating solutions containing different amounts of Y2O3(yttrium oxide) ,were studied by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) ,X-ray diffraction......
, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, P. O. 12613, Giza, Egypt Received 7 September 2018; accepted 27 February 2019 Abstract: The modification of A356 aluminum-silicon alloy using yttrium oxide.... Key words: hypoeutectic Al-Si alloys; modification; yttrium oxide (Y2O3); ductility; fracture mode 1 Introduction The series of aluminum cast alloys based on the Al-Si system are the most frequently......
Highly transparent ytterbium doped yttrium lanthanum oxide ceramicsM.Ivanov1,Yu.Kopylov2,V.Kravchenko2,李江3,A.Medvedev1,4,潘裕柏31. Institute of Electrophysics UrB of RAS, 106,Amundsena, 620016... evaporation of mixed oxides was used. After calcinations of the powder at 1200 °C a pure single-phase solid solution Yb3+:(LaxY1–x)2O3 was formed in the nanoparticles. Influence of lanthanum oxide......
Highly transparent ytterbium doped yttrium lanthanum oxide ceramicsM.Ivanov1,Yu.Kopylov2,V.Kravchenko2,李江3,A.Medvedev1,4,潘裕柏31. Institute of Electrophysics UrB of RAS, 106,Amundsena, 620016... evaporation of mixed oxides was used. After calcinations of the powder at 1200 °C a pure single-phase solid solution Yb3+:(LaxY1–x)2O3 was formed in the nanoparticles. Influence of lanthanum oxide......
id="ChDivSummary" name="ChDivSummary">Four oxide nanoparticles,such as yttrium oxide,lanthanum oxide,cerium oxide and zirconium oxide were coated on rhenium filaments by an electrophoretic deposition... the hazardous thorium oxide.Among four oxides tested in this work,yttrium oxide and lanthanum oxide coated rhenium showed enhanced electron emission compared with an uncoated rhenium.However,lanthanum......
Influence of Yttrium Addition on the Reduction Property of Tungsten Oxide Prepared via Wet Chemical MethodNan Liu1,Zhi Dong1,Zongqing Ma1,Liming Yu1,Yongchang Liu11. State Key Lab of Hydraulic... property of tungsten oxide transformed from precursors.In this study,the morphology evolution of the samples with and without yttrium during reduction process has been studied,and it is found......
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Effect of Yttrium Implantation on Microstructure and Adhesive Property of Nickel Oxide Film靳惠明1,周小卫11. College of Mechanical Engineering, Yangzhou University摘 要:oxide scales formed on nickel with and without yttrium. The main reason for the improvement......