Phase Behavior of Rare Earth Manganites Jian Meng1,Hiromi Nakano2,Naoki Kamegashira3,Gang CHEN4 (1.Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Chemistry an Physics,Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry,Chinese... BaLn2Mn2O7 (Ln=rare earth) with the layered perovskite type and Ln2(Mn, M)O7 with pyrochlore-related structure were studied since these compounds show many kinds of phases and unique phase transitions......
J. Cent. South Univ. (2017) 24: 2154-2163 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-017-3624-4 Limit equilibrium analysis for rock slope stability using basic Hoek–Brown strength criterion DENG Dong-ping...: Hoek–Brown (HB) strength criterion can reflect rock’s inherent failure nature, so it is more suitable for analyzing the stability of rock slopes. However, the traditional limit equilibrium methods......
] employing a long-range potential model also demonstrated that the metastable bcc phase can be easily obtained rather than the equilibrium fcc structure. In fact, some metals[10-12] have been...:st="on">China Received 6 July 2010; accepted 22 November 2010 Abstract: The formation and evolution characteristics of bcc phase during the isothermal relaxation......
, China) Abstract: In order to study the effect of Ni element on the precipitation of new Co-based superalloy, a research about the thermodynamic behavior of equilibrium phase precipitation... increases by 392.85 ℃ and the precipitation amount at 600 ℃ increases by 40.9%. From the view of the precipitation of each phases the and the influence of Ni on the elements in equilibrium phase, we......
Phase Transition Characters and Thermodynamics Modeling of the Newly-Discovered wⅡ- and Post-Spinel Si3N4 Polymorphs: A First-Principles InvestigationBenhai YU,Dong CHENCollege of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Xinyang Normal University摘 要:The equilibrium lattice constants, elastic constants and elastic moduli of wⅡ- and post-spinel Si3N4 have been......
was shown by horizontal full line or dashed line in most of the published binary phase diagrams. Horizontal full line in binary phase diagram presents the isothermal reaction of three-phase equilibrium. But crystal shape transition of the interphase is not an isothermal reaction of three-phase equilibrium, therefore it can not be presented by horizontal full line or dashed line. Second, to some components......