Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 22(2012) 2421-2430 FEM simulation and experimental verification of temperature field and phase transformation in deep cryogenic treatment LI Jun-wan1, TANG Lei-lei1... concentrated on the specimen surface region about 1/3 of the sample thickness. Subjected to DCT, the retained austenite of quenched specimen continues to transform to martensite and finally its phase......
DSC Investigation of Phase Transitions in System LaH2-LaH3 王龙妹1 (1.Central Iron & Steel Research Institute, Beijing 100081, China) Abstract:Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements... complicated DSC signals (double, triple etc. peaks) were observed which some of them were up to 4 phase transformations. Based on these measurements and carried out on high purity samples and supported......
?=-(1.63437×105/T)+71.8The phase equilibria for Ni-Ce-S-O and Ni-Y-S-O solutions at 1600℃ provide the basis for pre-dicting the sequence and type of Ce and Y equilibrium phases formed in Ni-base...Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria for Ce,Y in the Presence of O,S in Ni-base Solutions杜挺,王龙妹,刘爱生,吴夜明,张玉清摘 要:<正> The deoxidation,desulfuration......
Phase structure of ZK60-1Er magnesium alloy compressed at 450 ?C WANG Zhong-jun(王忠军)1, YANG Qing-xiang(杨庆祥)2, QIAO Jun(乔 军)1 1. School of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University... 2010 Abstract: The phase structure of ZK60-1Er magnesium alloy thermally compressed at the temperature of 450 ?C and the strain rate of 1×10-4 s-1 was determined by transmission electron microscopy......
endothermic peaks. One is at 554 °C which is close to the temperature of formation of Mg5Gd phase according to the equilibrium phase diagram of the Mg-Gd alloy. The other is at 644 °C which is close to the melting temperature of α-Mg according to the equilibrium phase diagram of the Mg-Gd alloy. This is coincided with the result in Refs. [17-19]. Therefore, the solution treatment temperatures......
Effect of element Gd on phase constituent and mechanical property of Mg-5Sn-1Ca alloy SHI Bin-qing(施斌卿)1, 2, CHEN Rong-shi(陈荣石)1, KE Wei(柯伟)1 1. State Key Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection...: The Mg-5Sn-1Ca-xGd (x=0, 1) alloys were chosen to investigate the change in solidification paths, phase formation and mechanical properties. The microstructure of as-cast Mg-5Sn-1Ca alloy is composed......
, holographic alloy positioning (HAP) system and equilibrium holographic network phase (EHNP) diagrams of AuCu-type sublattice system [1], our knowledge of relations of order degree (σ), state (q... enthalpy path method. Key words: intermetallics; alloy gene; order/disorder transformation; resonance activating-synchro alternating mechanism; thermodynamic properties; equilibrium and subequilibrium......
solidification will continuously exchange energy and matter with outside (liquid phase). Second, the growing course of primary phase is far from the equilibrium state because solidification of semi-solid A356... Effect of pouring temperature on fractal dimension of primary phase morphology in semi-solid A356 alloy LIU Zheng(刘 政)1, 2, MAO Wei-min(毛卫民)3, LIU Xiao-mei(刘小梅)2 1. Jiangxi Nonferrous......