illustrated that a series of compounds could be easily reduced (n-doped), which implies that the polymers with the capability for accepting electron are n-type semiconductors. The energy levels..., and used for the electrochemical characterization of polymers. N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), m-cresol and other reagents were reagent grade and used as received unless......
efficiency, cleanness and other advantages of hydrogen energy, more and more attention is paid to studying photocatalytic decomposition of water. FUJISHIMA and HONDA[1] used N-type semiconductor TiO2... Chemistry, 1994, 108(1): 198–204. [18] CHAN S S, WACHS I E, MURREL L L. Insitu laser Raman-spectroscopy of supported metal-oxides[J]. Phys Chem, 1984, 88(24): 5831-5835. [19] RAMANL N C, SULLIVAN D L......
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are donor-type defects, therefore TiO2 has been considered an n-type semi-conductor [47-50]. So, an indirect transition can be seen as a phonon-assisted electronic transition from the maximum of the valence..., k and refractive index, n were calculated using T, R and thickness, d, taking into account the experimental error of the film thickness to be ±2% and of T and R to be ±1%. The error......
; gas sensing; ethanol; acetone 1 Introduction Zinc oxide (ZnO), a functional n-type semiconductor with wide band gap (Eg ~3.7 eV) and large exciton binding energy (60 meV), has attracted great research...)P/P0, which belong to type IV. The calculation results revealed that the specific BET areas of the ZS and the RZS are 13.011 and 13.198 m2/g respectively. This shows that the BET area of the ZS has......
of oxygen through the scales. But further increase in Zr content to 6% (mole fraction) results in the formation of ZrO2. ZrO2 incorporated in the oxide scale is a metal-excess n-type oxide with anion......
on conductive mechanism of n-type ZnO[J]. Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 2014, 33(1): 107-111. [27] WANG Xing-ming, BAI Xue, DUAN Hua-ying, SHI Zhi-xia, SUN Jing, LU Shi-gang, HUANG Song-tao...纯,广东汕头市西陇化工厂生产),丙烯酰胺(AM,分析纯,天津市瑞金特化学品有限公司生产),N,N′-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺(MBAM,分析纯,天津市瑞金特化学品有限公司生产),过硫酸铵(APS,(NH4)2S2O8,分析纯,成都科龙化工试剂厂生产)和去离子水(实验室自制). 1.2 氧化锌陶瓷靶材的制备 制备ZnO坯体的典型凝胶注模成型工艺[4, 15]为:称取一定质量的ZnO粉体,分散剂......
. For Al2O3, which belongs to metal ion excess oxides (namely n-type conductivity), the mathematical relation between its parabolic velocity constant and oxygen partial pressure is shown as Eq. (4) [21..., such as temperature, oxygen pressure, time and especially the type of metal. The PBR value of Al is 1.28 [20], which means that the protection of Al2O3 film is very good. The oxidation rate of oxide......
]. Metal oxide nanoparticles have some unique physical and chemical properties which make them superior to conventional metal oxide in many applications [2]. CdO is an important n-type semiconductor...) is the type of reaction or function of reaction mechanism. In TGA analysis, the degree of conversion can be defined as the ratio of actual mass loss to the total mass loss corresponding to the decomposition......
A. Electrical properties of p-type and n-type doped inverse silicon opals-towards optically amplified silicon solar cells[J]. Applied Physics Letter, 2010, 96(24): 242102-1-242102-3. [3] ZHAI Guang-mei...) =ε1(ω) + iε2(ω) 或折射率N(ω) =n(ω) +ik(ω) 来描述,体系在较小波矢下对光场的线性响应由介电函数的虚部ε2(ω)决定,它可以通过占据态和未占据态的动量跃迁矩阵元计算得到. 2.3.1 复介电函数 介电常数的虚部ε2(ω)对任何材料来说都是非常重要的,它作为沟通带间跃迁微观物理过程与固体电子结构的桥梁,反映了固体能带结构及其他各种光谱信息.图5所示为计算得到的......