. If the air leakage is more than 2%, the ventilation structure will be considered as unacceptable. Equation (20) is used to obtain the calculation results. Index i12 and i13 are confirmed by Eqs. (21...; (20) where fi11 denotes the effectiveness of the ventilation structure; Q13 denotes the number of acceptable......
炉型使用等离子体喷枪替代传统炼钢炉的石墨电极,简化了炼钢炉的整体结构,所炼制金属的品质可达到真空熔炼的效果.但由于熔炼产生的液态金属与耐火材料铺砌底座与炉壁之间发生接触,导致金属被液态金属与炉衬交界处产生的反应物质所污染. 图2 等离子电弧炉结构示意图[18] Fig. 2 Structure diagram of plasma arc furnace[18] 由于传统的...×10-6,Fe,Al,Ca和Ti的含量也均有降低. 图6 用于工业硅提纯的射频热等离子体炬结构示意图[46] Fig. 6 Schematic diagram of radiofrequency thermal plasma torch structure for industrial silicon purification[46] WANG等[47]采用微波等离子体法提纯冶金级......
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