,微弧氧化,离子注入,激光冲击强化等很多表面改性方法.由于激光冲击强化在不引入涂层和合金元素的情况下便可在植入物(见图9)表层置入残余压应力降低溶解速率,故受到了医疗研究机构的极大关注[55].2011年,阿拉巴马大学利用激光冲击强化技术控制钙镁合金的降解速度[55],发现未经激光冲击的腐蚀速率为(17±1.2) mm/a,而经激光冲击强化试样的腐蚀速率约为0.017 mm/a,腐蚀速率降了约100......
精矿,成功地获得适合陶瓷工业的钠长石[26].土耳其的屈塔希亞(Kutahya)Emet-Espey硼加工厂处理尾矿中应用Jameson浮选柱分选硬硼钙石,在给矿B2O3品位36.8%的条件下,可获得精矿B2O3品位为45.42%,B2O3回收率为98.47%[27]. 3.1.2 微泡型浮选柱 微泡型浮选柱利用特殊的气泡发生器,使矿浆产生压差后生成大量细碎,均匀的微泡.微泡浮选有较好......
焚烧法处理氰化尾渣后,可将焚烧后的产物用于制砖或生产硅酸盐水泥,进行综合利用[14].山西陵川化工总厂将氰化尾渣与煤,黏土(含生石灰)按6:4:1的比例混合均匀后制球,在特制焚烧炉中灼烧,焚烧后的产物粉碎后用于制砖[48].谢锋等[49]以氰化尾渣,或氰化尾渣与氧化钙原料,加热至250~450 ℃进行低温热解破氰,破氰产物的总氰含量满足一般固废要求,可用于回填处理或浮选提取黄铁矿. 焚烧法处理氰化......
several formulas. In addition, not only ions, but also molecules, such as hydrous salt molecules, can exist in strong electrolyte aqueous solutions. Therefore, it is not very easy to determine......
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[28]. AMCs offer several potential benefits to help the industry to meet this goal. Weld ability of these composites is significantly reduced due to the addition of ceramic reinforcements. It is hard......
crack length, a camera was used in addition to the extensometer. Fracture and fatigue tests were performed on compact tension (CT) specimens (Fig. 5). The specimens were machined in L-T orientation......
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