to the corresponding sensor response, using the relation for n-type metal oxide while detecting reducing gases [19,6]: S=[(Ra-Rg)/Ra]×100%  ... nanostructures (as-prepared and calcined) retained their original resistance. In addition, the same type of behavior was observed in the remaining exposure cycles. The reproducibility in the performance......
of metallurgy purification technology for solar grade silicon[J]. China Nonferrous Metallurgy, 2008, 2(1): 12-14. [45] MARTINUZZI S, PERICHAUD T, TRASSY C, et al. N-type multicrystalline silicon wafers...高钢的硬度和耐磨性能.但常压下氮在钢液中的溶解度低,使用传统冶炼设备难以生产出高氮钢.将等离子电弧重熔工艺应用于高氮钢的炼制,N+离子在电场作用下以很大的速度轰击钢液表面的金属粒子,使氮被金属充分吸收,并除去内部夹杂,起到精炼提纯的效果,最终得到性能优异的高氮钢[39]. 采用等离子电弧重熔工艺生产高氮钢,钢的合金化发生在等离子电弧炉重熔胚料的过程中.自耗胚料选取普通的铁合金替代传统的大熔池法所使......