渗碳腐蚀; Cr5Mo钢; 减薄; 表面状态; carbonization corrosion; metal dusting; Cr5Mo steel; thinning; surface state; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
of carbonization, the tensile strength of PAN-CF reaches the maximum at 1400℃, and the tensile modulus increases with the carbonization temperature increasing. The tensile strength decreases and the tensile modulus increases after the carbonized PAN-CF is graphitized. The larger Lc and lower d002 can be obtained at higher carbonization temperature. When PAN-CF is carbonized at 1400......
结果一致.而从图2a,b,c(当pH值为4.8,5.0及5.2时)中可见,碳化产物已经产生部分片状晶体,但依旧存在着部分无定型纳米颗粒附着于片状晶体之上.综合分析碳化产物晶型以及碳化过程pH控制稳定性来考虑,pH=5.0为较合适的碳化pH值. 图2 不同pH值下碳化产物XRD及SEM Fig. 2 XRD and SEM of carbonization products...体颗粒明显变大.结合XRD图谱的衍射峰强度,综合考虑CO2利用率,能耗等因素,选择35 o℃为较为合适的碳化结晶温度,以期获得晶型较好的碳酸钇晶体. 图3 不同温度碳化产物XRD及SEM Fig. 3 XRD and SEM of carbonization products at different temperature 3.1.3 碳化产物......
process composed of the carbothermic pre-reduction of WO2.9 and the following deep reduction with H2 or carbonization with CH4+H2 mixed gases. The effects of C/WO2.9 molar ratio and temperature on phase... be obtained, respectively. Key words: carbothermic pre-reduction; carbonization; tungsten; tungsten carbide 1 Introduction Tungsten and tungsten carbide have many unique properties, such as high melting......
其可能成为一种理想的双电层电容器电极材料. 关键词:中孔炭; 溶胶凝胶反应; 同步合成模板炭化法; 双电层电容器; Mesoporous carbon; Sol-gel reaction; Simultaneously synthetic template carbonization method; Electric double layer capacitors; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
900℃以上炭化得到的柏木炭,微孔表面积高达800m2/g以上,外表面积约为150m2/g.柏木炭的孔结构可以通过调节过热蒸气的温度得到控制. 关键词:柏木炭; 微孔; 中孔; 炭化; 过热蒸气; Cypress charcoal; Microporous; Mesoporous; Carbonization; Super-heated steam; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
炭化温度对CO2活化PAN基活性炭纤维微结构的影响 曹高萍1,吴锋2,徐斌2,杨裕生1 (1.防化研究院,北京,100083;2.北京理工大学,化工与环境学院,北京,100081) 摘要:将PAN预氧化纤维在400℃~900℃炭化,经CO2活化得到一系列活性炭纤维,表征了其比表面,孔容和孔径分布等微结构参数,研究了炭化温度对CO2活化PAN基活性炭纤维微结构的影响.结果表明,炭化温度对活性炭纤维的比表面和孔结构有显著影响,适中的炭化温度(600℃)有利于得到高比表面积,大的孔容和孔径. 关键词:活性炭纤维; 炭化; 温度; 微结构; Activated carbon fibers; Carbonization; Temperature; Microstructure; [全文内容正在添加中] ......