-Ag, Au-Dy and Ag-Dy. The equilibrium diagram of the Au-Ag binary system is an isomorphous phase diagram including the liquid, L, and the fcc continuous solid solution, Au(Ag). The very narrow liquidus... S, Ferro R, Capelli R, et al. Phase equilibrium in the silver-dysprosium system [J]. J Less-Common Met, 1976, 44: 267-271. [10] Guzei L S, Slavev A G, Raevskaya M V, et al. Phase diagram of the Ag-Dy......
in 438-215 ℃ interval is the primary factor that affects the hardenability of this alloy during the quenching. The equilibrium state MgZn2 phases precipitate as two paths successively during the quenching: grain boundaries and inside the grains, with the peak temperature 387 ℃ and 342 ℃ respectively. Key word: Al-Zn-Mg-Cu; end-quench test; hardenability; equilibrium MgZn2 phase 在航空航天工业迅速发展的今天,整体结构件的应用可以......
Equilibrium Diagram in the Presence of a Gaseous Phase and Its Application(Overview Part Ⅰ)张鹤鸣,杜爱玲摘 要:EquilibriumDiagraminthePresenceofaGaseousPhaseandItsApplication1(OverviewPartⅠ)ZhangHemingandDuAiling(张鹤鸣)(杜爱玲)ChemicalEngine...关键词:......
Equilibrium Diagram in the Presence of a Gaseous Phase and Its Application(Overview Part Ⅱ)杜爱玲,张鹤鸣摘 要:EquilibriumDiagraminthePresenceofaGaseousPhaseandItsApplication1(OverviewPartⅡ)DuAilingandZhangHeming(杜爱玲)(张鹤鸣)ChemicalEngine...关键词:......
Equilibrium and kinetic data of adsorption and separation for zirconium and hafnium onto MIBK extraction resin XU Zhi-gao (徐志高), WU Yan-ke (吴延科), ZHANG Jian-dong (张建东), ZHANG Li (张 力), WANG Li...; Abstract: The equilibrium......
[1-4]. However, it is very difficult to obtain the equilibrium phases at room temperature in this system. It has been testified that the T ′ phase is stable at room temperature in a single phase T... prepared with high purity Al(99.999%), Zn(99.999%) and Cu(99.999%), whose sites are located in Fig.1. The equilibrium phase constituents are composed of three phases: α and β phases in the two alloys......
Simultaneously enhanced strength and ductility of 6xxx Al alloys via manipulating meso-scale and nano-scale structures guided with phase equilibriumQiang Lu1,Kai Li1,2,Haonan Chen1,Mingjun...">Excellent comprehensive mechanical properties including good formability, high strength and high ductility are prior demands for Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys. This study utilizes calculation of phase diagram(CALPHAD......
at grain boundaries are TiC+Ti3AlC dual phase structure. The core particle is TiC and the interfacial transition zone is Ti3AlC existing between TiC particle and α+γ matrix. Ti3AlC is in equilibrium with α2-Ti3Al and γ-TiAl when the alloy was annealed at 900℃, while Ti3AlC reaches equilibrium with α-Ti and γ-TiAl at 1250℃. In α2+γ phase field, TiC+Ti3AlC dual phase structure particles in as cast alloy......
alloy were predicted. The vapor-liquid phase equilibrium of Pb-Sn-Sb alloy system was calculated using the activity coefficients of Pb-Sn-Sb alloy system in the process of vacuum distillation... were compared with the experimental results showing good agreement with each other. Key words: molecular interaction volume model; vacuum distillation; Pb-Sn-Sb alloy; phase equilibrium 1 Introduction......
velocity and provides thermo- dynamic condition for phase decomposing and transformation. Now, we assume that the undercooling of melt is sufficiently high, the equilibrium phases are suppressed... 3.1 Microstructure and phase analysis of Fe-17%B (mole fraction) and Fe-20%B samples From the equilibrium phase diagram[9] we expect a co-operative eutectic growth of the α-Fe and Fe2B phases......