-copper alloy; electrochemical formation; free energy of formation; diffusion coefficient 1 Introduction Alloys of rare earth Ho with other metals (Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, etc) possess electrical, magnetic... chlorides. The free energies of formation for the intermetallic compounds of Ho-Cu systems, the diffusion coefficients and the diffusion activation energy of Ho in the alloy are determined. 2......
650093, China) Abstract: The molecular dynamics method was used to simulate the thermodynamic properties of two binary alloys, Pb8Au2 and Pb9Au1. The formation enthalpy, free energy of formation and excess free energy of two alloys were calculated. The atomic interactions were analyzed in macroscopic and microcosmic view. The values obtained here are consistent well with those of the experiments. Key......
was investigated. The molar Gibbs free energy function of mechanically activated samples was calculated from the structural defects such as amorphization, dislocation and surface energy. According to the molar Gibbs free energy function, the equilibrium temperature of mechanical reduction of silver oxide milled for 21 h was estimated at about 304 K. Consequently, at this temperature silver oxide......
Cyclotron Resonance of Free Magnetopolaron in Quantum Well WiresHaiyang ZHOU Kadi ZHU Shiwei GU Dept.of Applied Physics,Jiaotong University,Shanghai,200030,China摘 要:energy and the cyclotron resonance frequency de-crease with the increase of the sizes of QWWs, and also that the cyclotron resonance......
phase diagrams by means of the melting point free energy method, standard free energy of formation method and chemical equilibrium method. No assumptions and approximations were introduced. The eight... free energy method; standard formation free energy method; chemical equilibrium method 活度是重要的热力学数据,活度的测量,尤其是高温体系活度的测量费时,费钱,费力,且不易准确.因此,人们提出了很多办法计算活度[1-3].由相图计算活度就是其中的一种方法.由相图计算活度有熔化自由能法和冰点下降法.目前这方面的......
free energy minimization, a thermodynamic model of the lead flash smelting equilibrium system, including crude lead, matte, slag and gas four phases, was built using element potential method...: lead smelting; multi-phase equilibrium; model; minimum Gibbs free energy 近30年来,研究工作者力图通过PbS受控氧化的途径来实现硫化铅精矿的直接熔炼,以简化生产流程,降低生产成本,利用氧化反应的热能以降低能耗,产出高含量SO2烟气用于制酸,减少环境污染[1].当前,几种硫化铅精矿直接熔炼法如基夫赛特法,卡尔多法,QSL法等已在一......
the interfacial interactive free energy of a series of interfaces such as minerals and water, collectors and water, minerals and bubble, minerals and collectors in the molybdenite floatation system. The results... of collector in water phase and its selectivity for minerals floatation are more important. Key words: molybdenite; flotation; interface thermodynamics; contact angle; surface free energy  ......
of the change of Gibbs free energy during the primary solidification for the icosahedral quasicrystal phase and itsapproximant crystal phase are proposed. The thermodynamic analyses show...; solidification structure; primary quasicrystal phase; gibbs free energy 1987年,T sai等[1]发现了稳定的Al65 Cu23 Fe12二十面体准晶相(下文称准晶I相).由此,为了获得单相多晶和大尺寸单晶体的Al-Cu-Fe准晶,准晶相成分附近区域......
; (10) The auxiliary equation for free motion of the system can be written as  ... not have any axis of symmetry. Fig. 11 Impacting phase portrait curve with barrier in x=4 cm, ζ=0.2, m=1 kg, k=500 N/m, Ω=10 rad/s, A=30 N 3.1 Transferred energy to barrier Transferred energy......