flow of hydro-magnetic nano-fluid towards a vertical surface employing modified version of Arrhenius function. ZAIB et al [8] exposed the combined impacts of activation energy and binary chemical... J. Cent. South Univ. (2019) 26: 1362-1373 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-019-4092-9 Magneto-hydrodynamic flow of squeezed fluid with binary chemical reaction and activation energy S. AHMAD, M......
sampling at different time, vacuum filtrating, cleaning and drying were done. Excessive silane coupling agent was added at different time for organic coating, to fix on the surface of nano-TiO2 uniformly... 2 represents samples coated with SiO2, where sample 2-1 is held for 30 min, with less half amount of coating material than sample 2-2, since coating agent can not deposit on nano-TiO2 surface......
="ChDivSummary" name="ChDivSummary">The dye degradation capability and reusability of FeSiBNbCu amorphous ribbons are largely enhanced due to the surface activation by ball milling. The time required...Enhanced dye degradation capability and reusability of Fe-based amorphous ribbons by surface activationFang Miao1,Qianqian Wang1,Siyi Di1,Lu Yun1,Jing Zhou1,Baolong Shen1,21. School of Materials......
基于DFA复合式Agent模型的设计与实现 卢薇薇,蔡自兴,文志强,陈爱斌 (中南大学 信息科学与工程学院,湖南 长沙,410083) 摘 要:针对机器人团队协作检测与跟踪动态目标的需要,提出1种基于有限状态自动机(DFA)的复合式Agent模型.通过结合有限状态自动机的行为状态模型,对复合式Agent模型进行改进,在固定路线的动态目标跟踪实验中,对改进前后的Agent模型实际实验数据进行比较,并将该模型应用于基于区域的多机器人多目标跟踪实验中.结果表明:改进后的Agent模型通过有限状态自动机中的状态抽象,不仅从目标检测与跟踪的角度提高了Agent个体性能,还从社会的角度,提高了群体团队的协作性能;提出的模型通过行为状态模型将动作,决策等与环境信息进行了有效的分离,从而具有较好的可移植性和高扩展性;改进后的Agent模型跟踪偏差期望值与样本方差均降为改进前的一半,为实......
; surface active agent (surfactant); nanoparticles dispersion; built-up edge Cite this article as: Seyed Hasan MUSAVI, Behnam DAVOODI, Seyed Ali NIKNAM. Effects of reinforced nanofluid with nanoparticles... and consequently on machinability attributes when machining A286 superalloy. In the present work, the surface active agent was used to increase the stability of nanoparticles in the base cutting fluid......
and Ti2N were formed on the surface of Ti alloy with proper nitriding parameters, but TiN is the main composition. The surface hardness increased by three times, which sidered mainly of the activation...IMPROVING THE SURFACE PROPERTY OF TC4 ALLOY BY LASER NITRIDING AND ITS MECHANISM C.S. Liu1,G.J. Zhao2,D. Zhang2,Y.L. Yang2 (1.College of Material and Metallurgy, Northeastern University,Shenyang......
the electroless Ni or Cu plating of some fiuoropolymer substrates through a tin-free activation process. Materials subjected to surface metallization are commercial Teflon() FEP, Nafion(), ACLAR() and LaRCTM-CP1...NH3 Plasma Surface Treatments of Engineering Fluoropolymers:A Way toEnhance Adhesion of Ni or Cu Thin Films Deposited by Electroless Plating Yves Goepfert1,Marlène Charbonnier1,Maurice Romand1......