微镜下观察到AZ31支架表面有许多小坑点,表明该合金在抛光液中发生点蚀,而JDBM-2支架表面光滑,进一步验证了JDBM合金腐蚀为均匀腐蚀方式,如图18所示. 图14 钛合金和镁合金样品的血小板黏附实验结果 Fig.14 Platelet adhesion test results of Ti alloy and Mg alloys: (a) Ti6Al4V; (b...:A Research progress of new type of degradable biomedical magnesium alloys JDBM YUAN Guang-yin1, ZHANG Xiao-bo1, NIU Jia-lin1, TAO Hai-rong2, CHEN Dao-yun3, HE Yao-hua3, JIANG Yao3, DING......
粒表面形成厚度为5~10 nm的隔离层,阻碍了加热过程中Ti颗粒表面的原子扩散,从而阻止加热脱氢过程中粉末颗粒的长大. 关键词:超细钛粉;氢化脱氢;阻止剂;NaCl;颗粒长大 中图分类号:TF123.7 文献标志码:A Fabrication and properties of ultrafine Ti powder by NaCl coated... diffusion. Key words: ultrafine Ti powder; hydrogenation-dehydrogenation; inhibitor; NaCl; particle growth 钛及钛合金具有密度低,比强度高,抗氧化,抗疲劳,耐腐蚀性优良和生物相容性好等优点[1-4],广泛应用于航空航天等高技术领域.近年来向汽车,船舶,化工,医药和体育娱乐器材等应用领域快速拓展......
-induced martensitic transformation(SIMT) process in biomedical Co-Cr-W-Ni alloys were investigated.The experimental results show that theε-hexagonal-close-packed phase was preferentially formed at the Σ3...Strain-induced martensitic transformation in biomedical Co-Cr-W-Ni alloysZi-Yi Zhu1,Li Meng2,Leng Chen11. School of Materials Science and Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing2......
Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Key words: Ti matrix composite; sintering; wear property; corrosion; microstructure 1 Introduction Titanium and its alloys are widely used for dental and orthopedic implants due... 064, India; 2. Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721 302, India 摘 要:采用粉末冶金技术制备空心微珠分散的钛基复合材料,并对其磨损和腐蚀行为进行研究.结果表明,所制备的复合材料组织中在α-Ti基体中分散......
Introduction Ti and Ti alloys have been widely used in aerospace, biomedical and automobile industries. The advantages of Ti alloys over other metallic materials lie in their good combination of mechanical and chemical properties, such as high stiffness, low density, good corrosion resistance, good biocompatibility. However, Ti alloys often suffer from poor wear resistance owing to their relatively......
文章编号: 1004-0609(2006)05-0805-06 Ti(C, N)基金属陶瓷刀具的切削性能 石增敏1, 郑 勇2, 刘文俊1, 3, 袁 泉1 (1. 三峡大学 机械与材料学院, 宜昌 443002; 2. 南京航空航天大学 材料科学与技术学院, 南京 210016; 3. 华中科技大学 塑性成形模拟及模具技术国家重点实验室, 武汉 470074) 摘 要: 利用真空烧结工艺和表面氮化处理工艺制备纳米复合Ti(C, N)基金属陶瓷可转位刀片和功能梯度可转位刀片, 并对刀片的切削性能进行分析. 结果表明: 切削正火态45#钢, 淬火态45#钢和奥氏体不锈钢时, 与YT15, YG8, TN20相比, 制备的刀具皆表现出较优的切削性能和较高的耐磨性, 表面经氮化处理后, 刀具的表面硬度提高了HRA2.2, 大幅度提高了刀具的抗热冲击......
195 kJ/mol;综合考虑可热加工性和组织细化因素,温度为700~800 ℃,应变速率为10-3~10-1 s-1是良性热加工区域. 关键词:医用钛合金;热压缩;流动应力;显微组织;变形机制 中图分类号:TG 146 文献标志码:A Hot deformation behaviors of biomedical...织 Fig.6 Microstructures of Ti alloys after hot deformation at strain rate of 10-3 s-1 and various temperatures: (a) 700 ℃; (b) 750 ℃; (c) 800 ℃; (d) 850 ℃ 图7所示为合金800 ℃不同应变速率变形后的金相组织.由图7可以看出,当应......
of time. Thus, recent research of biomedical titanium alloys has been focused on the design of new β-type titanium alloys with low elastic modulus and excellent biocompatibility, such as Ti-Mo..., NIINOMI M, CHO K. Microstructures, mechanical properties and cytotoxicity of low cost beta Ti-Mn alloys for biomedical applications [J]. Acta Biomaterialia, 2015, 26: 366-376. [14] PANDELAERS L......
and Ti alloys and Co alloy can be selected as substrate. However, there still exist some disadvantages: 1) Post-sintering is needed to densify the coating, which may result in crack between... sputter deposited calcium phosphate coatings [J]. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2002, 130(1): 39-45. [7]Metikos-Hukovic M, Tkalcec E, Kwokal A, et al. An in vitro study of Ti and Ti-alloys coated......
; polytetrafluoroethylene; hydrothermal method; hydrophobicity; corrosion resistance 1 Introduction Titanium (Ti) is abundant on earth and has become one of the research focuses [1]. Ti and its alloys have..., such as offshore, acidic environment, aerospace, automotive, high temperature and chemical and food industries [2,3]. Nevertheless, commercial pure Ti and its alloys may suffer localized corrosion......