: xyguo@mail.csu.edu.cn 湿法炼锌生产过程中,经中性浸出得到的硫酸锌溶液主要含有如Co,Ni,Cd和Cu等杂质[1-2],这些杂质均会影响随后的电积过程.因此,电积前需要净化除杂,而净化阶段的最大困难是除钴.目前,国内外湿法炼锌厂所采用的除钴方法归纳起来有两类:一类是采用特殊的化学试剂(如黄药,β-萘酚)直接沉钴法;另一类是添加砷盐,锑盐作活化剂的锌粉或合金锌粉置换除钴法[3-4]. 黄药净化法深度除...30 ℃,气体流量为800 mL/min,搅拌速度为800 r/min,钴浓度为20 mg/L,锌浓度为100 g/L的实验条件下,控制溶液pH值分别为2,3,4和5进行实验,得到的实验结果如图5所示. 由图5可知,溶液pH越大,除钴率越高.这是因为溶液pH越高,氧化得到的Co(Ⅲ)越容易水解沉淀下来.考虑到溶液pH太高将导致锌离子水解沉淀,选择 pH为5.0比较适宜. 图5......
, 比容量, 放电电压平台等电化学性能方面已经有较大进步. 但是材料在大电流充放电方面性能仍然较差, 目前一般的处理方法是在氢氧化镍颗粒表面包覆钴或者钴的化合物, 从而在充放电时活性物质表面形成导电网络, 便于质子和电子的传输, 从而提高电极的导电性[1-16]. 其中采用化学镀方法在氢氧化镍颗粒表面包覆Co, 工艺较为复杂, 而且成本较高; 而在氢氧化镍表面通过化学共沉积的方法包覆Co(OH)2...公司的X射线衍射仪(X' Pert PRO MPD)进行X射线衍射测试, CuKα辐射, 石墨单色器, 40kV管压, 40mA管流. 2 结果与讨论 2.1 包覆前后Ni(OH)2的X射线衍射测试 将表面包覆Co(OH)2的氢氧化镍与未进行包覆的氢氧化镍进行X射线衍射测试, 结果如图1所示. 图1 表面包覆不同含量钴后氢氧化镍的X射线衍射谱......
Microstructure of Ag-Sn-Cu-Bi-Ni alloy after oxidation WU Chun-ping(吴春萍)1, YI Dan-qing(易丹青)1, LI Jian(李荐)1, WANG Bin(王斌)1,XU Can-hui(许灿辉)1,LU Xiao-dong(卢小东)2 1.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083,China; 2.Foshan Electrical Precision Alloy Co. Ltd, Foshan 528000, China Received 15 July 2007; accepted 10 September 2007
activity of the product for CO oxidation was carried out at the region of 30-300 °C in a U-shaped quartz reactor with feeding about 0.15 g of the catalyst, which was loaded on Al2O3 carrier. The inlet... showed higher CO oxidation activity, which indicated that the morphology of ceria products affected the catalytic performance. The ceria nanotubes supported on Al2O3 demonstrated that conversion......
Isothermal oxidation behavior of cast Ni-base superalloy K44 LI Yun(李 云)1, LIU Xue-gui(刘学贵)1, GUO Jian-ting(郭建亭)2, YUAN Chao(袁 超)2, YANG Hong-cai(杨洪才)3 1. College of Applied Chemistry, Shenyang..., Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, China Received 28 July 2006; accepted 15 September 2006 Abstract: The oxidation behavior of a cast Ni-base superalloy K44 in air at 850-1 000 ℃ for l00 h was studied......
钴废料生产草酸钴实践 张学锋1,林江顺1,王海北1,刘三平1,蒋开喜1 (1.北京矿冶研究总院,北京,100044;2.北京科技大学,北京,100083) 摘要:钴废料成为我国钴生产的主要原料,经过深入的试验研究,开发了草酸钴湿法冶金生产工艺,建设了年产100 t Co生产线,钴平均回收率大于92%,产出的草酸钴杂质含量均小于0.002%. 关键词:钴废料; 湿法冶金; 草酸钴; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
Preferential Oxidation of CO in H2 over CuO/CeO2 Catalysts Wang Xiaoyan1,Liu Yuan2,Bai Xue1 (1.School of Chemical Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010062, China... method for preferential oxidation of CO in H2. The CO conversion is close to 100% and selectivity to CO oxidation is 96% over this catalyst at a low reaction temperature of 95 ℃ and a space velocity......
Co3O4 nanocube is prepared by hydrothermal oxidation method. The optimum synthetic conditions of Co3O4 nanocubes are as follows: Co(CH3COO)2·4H2O as cobalt salt, KOH as precipitating agent... Shape-controlled synthesis of nanocubic Co3O4 by hydrothermal oxidation method YANG You-ping(杨幼平), HUANG Ke-long(黄可龙), LIU Ren-sheng(刘人生), WANG Li-ping(王丽平), ZENG Wen-wen(曾雯雯), ZHANG Ping-min(张平民......
文章编号:1004-0609(2011)02-0442-08 前驱体对四氧化三钴形貌的影响与表征 杨幼平,张平民,刘人生,黄可龙 (中南大学 化学与化工学院,长沙 410083) 摘 要:以Co(CH3COO)2·4H2O为钴源,聚乙二醇(PEG)20 000为表面活性剂,在水-正丁醇溶剂体系中,分别以氢氧化钾,碳酸铵和草酸为沉淀剂,采用沉淀法制备氢氧化钴,碱式碳酸钴和草酸钴... as precipitating agent, respectively. The nanocubic Co3O4 was synthesized through Co(OH)2 precursor at 160 ℃ by hydrothermal oxidation method. The catenuliform-like and rod-like Co3O4 powders were obtained when......