and the inevitable bending load, the use of cemented carbide is not recommendable because of its low fracture toughness. Instead, high strength powder metallurgical steel, CPM Rex 121, with a hardness of 66-68HRC... CPM Rex 121. One possibility to meet this demand is the integration of the upper die into the lower die. For this solution the die is made completely as one piece. Hence, the die can be made out......
designation, uniaxial compressive strengthen, integrality coefficient, strengthen coefficient of structural plane and seepage measurement of groundwater,were selected in the analysis of multi-level objective... progression method, CPM)是在突变理论基础上发展起来的一种综合评价方法.该方法考虑了各评价指标的相对重要性,定性和定量相结合,从而减少了主观性又不失科学性,合理性,计算过程简单,计算结果准确[10].在此,本文作者借鉴突变级数法的思想,建立计算模型对围岩稳定性进行综合评价,得出围岩稳定性较准确的分级结果,并通过工程实例验证该模型的可行性和有效性. 1  ......
划工期和费用模拟 大型桥梁实施周期长,投入资源多,其工期,资源等参数往往具有不确定性,所以,要实现桥梁的施工进度,费用的仿真,不确定型网络计划模拟是关键技术.以往主要采用计划评审法(PERT)对不确定型网络计划进行模拟.PERT采用3点估计算法,估计出各工序工期的乐观值a,最有可能值m,悲观值b,则各工序持续时间均值为(a+4m+b)/6,再根据关键线路法(CPM)总工期进行计算.采用PERT法... based on GIS[J]. Journal of Central South University: Science and Technology, 2004, 35(4): 643-646. [6] Halpin D H. CYCLONE: method for modeling job site processes[J]. Constr Div, ASCE, 1977, 103(3......
, LONGO E. Photoluminescent BaMoO4 nanopowders prepared by complex polymerization method (CPM) [J]. J Solid State Chem, 2006, 179: 671-678. [16] ZHANG C, SHEN E H, WANG E B, KANG Z H, GAO L, HU C W, XU L... sulfate (SDS) and cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB), was mixed with (NH4)6Mo7O24 aqueous solution and the mixed solution was heated up to 70 °C for 2 h. The white precipitate was centrifuged......
模型;SHARAN等[4]基于Hoek-Brown准则提出了围岩应变软化解析式.但由于该方面研究对岩体性质作了过多简化,计算结果与实际结果存在较大的误差.第二方面是室内试验研究,如:于永江等[5]通过对山西含碳泥岩三轴试验数据拟合,提出了基于退化角的岩石峰后应变软化模型;余华中等[6]采用颗粒流程序(PFC)中的簇单元模型(CPM)对研究锦屏深埋大理岩峰后变形破坏的脆-延-塑转换特性进行细观模拟研...: 588-599. [17] NICHOLAS J H. The numerical stability of barycentric Lagrange interpolation[J]. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 2004, 24(4): 547-556. [18] BERRUT J P, TREFETHEN L N. Barycentric Lagrange......
improve the relative density to almost 99.8% after sintered at 1165 °C for 2 h. Figure 1 Variations of density and relative density of CPM 121 with different vanadium/niobium content The DSC curves..., MIKMEKOV? ?. Mini-thixoforming of high-alloyed CPM REX 121 steel [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 887-888: 1156-1160. DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.887-888.1156. [14] TAKIGAWA H, MANTO H......
不同的社团,每个点只属于1个社团.然而,在许多实际网络中,有些点可能属于多个社团,所以,若能发现可交叠的社团结构,则更具有实际意义[1].为了找到社团间重复的点,Palla等[4]提出基于k-团的算法CPM,能够识别重叠网络社团结构.其后提出k-dense[21]算法,也可以识别重叠的网络社团结构,并且应用于各种实际网络中.但是,这些方法又不能显示出社团的层次化特性.Lancichinetti等.... 式(1)中:分子为连接两社团的边数;分母为两社团的总边数.CAB越大,则表示连接两社团的边占两社团总边数的比例越大,表明两社团连接越紧密,两者越有可能属于同一个社团. F-HOC以社团连通性指标为依据,用凝聚法对 k-团进行合并判断,最终目的是所发现的社团都满足弱社团的定义. 定义2 弱社团(Weak community)[6]是指子图H中所有节点与H内部节点的度之和......
is 2.45C-5.25Cr-1.30Mo-9.75V-Fe (mass fraction, %). Steel A was acquired from Crucible Material Corporation (Crucible grade CPM 10V), and Steel B was under the same designation of AISI 11 but without... in uniform N2, and tempering was done triply at 540-550 °C for 2 h. As-tempered specimens were finally prepared with 15 μm diamond suspension to obtain the mirror-like finish in the longitudinal......
次拟合方法;高坝施工全过程 中图分类号:TV511.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-7207(2014)03-0840-07 Multi-dimensional... were simulated by Monte-Carlo method to structure a multi-dimensional risk analysis space, and the characterization of data in the space was analyzed by hierarchical fitting method, which helped......