Inhibition mechanism of aspartic acid on crystal growth of hydroxyapatite HUANG Su-ping(黄苏萍), ZHOU Ke-chao(周科朝), LI Zhi-you(李志友) State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South... mechanism of aspartic acid on the crystal growth of hydroxyapatite was studied. The results show that the crystal growth rate of HAP decreases with the increase of the aspartic acid concentration......
J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. (2007)04-0485-05 DOI: 10.1007/s11771-007-0094-0 Mechanism of gold dissolving in alkaline thiourea solution CHAI Li-yuan(柴立元), WANG Yun-yan(王云燕) (School of Metallurgical Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) _____________________________________________________________ Abstract:Reaction mechanism of gold dissolving......
Voltage-induced material removal mechanism of copper for electrochemical-mechanical polishing applications Sang-Jun HAN1, Yong-Jin SEO2 1. Nano-Information Material & Device Laboratory... states of active, passive, transient and trans-passive region could be characterized. And then, the mechanism of the process of voltage-induced material removal in electrochemical mechanical polishing......
of connection hardware 图3 热循环过程中λ的变化曲线 Fig. 3 Change curves of λ during thermal cycling test 3.2 接续金具的相关性能 图4 热循环过程中接续金具的硬度变化 Fig. 4 Microhardness change of connection hardware...×10-6,弹性模量为65~70 GPa,由式(4)可得,接续金具最外层所受应力值为35 MPa,内层因温差小而应力更小. 图5 接续金具截面图 Fig. 5 Section diagram of connection hardware 图6 短路试验中各温度的变化曲线 Fig. 6 Changing curves of temperature......
Mechanism of separating muscovite and quartz by flotationWANG Li(王丽), SUN Wei(孙伟), LIU Run-qing(刘润清) (School of Mineral Processing and Bioengineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China.... These findings provide a novel explanation for the flotation mechanism from the perspective of MD simulation.Key words:muscovite; quartz; amines; flotation; adsorption mechanism......
Reaction mechanism of molten NaOH decomposing Zn2SiO4 in willemiteZHAO Chang-ming(赵昌明)1, 2, ZHAI Yu-chun(翟玉春)2, ZHANG Chong-min(张崇民)1, LI Jun-li(李军丽)1, LI Sheng-li(李胜利)1(1. School of Materials... detection for the alkali leaching was made by using Raman spectroscopy; XRD was used to analyze the structure of water leaching residue, to explore the reaction mechanism of NaOH decomposing Zn2SiO4......
Microstructure and formation mechanism of in-situ TiC-TiB2/Fe composite coating WANG Zhen-ting(王振廷), ZHOU Xiao-hui(周晓辉), ZHAO Guo-gang(赵国刚) College of Materials Science and Engineering... coating. Moreover, the formation mechanism was investigated. With the increase of the content of TiC+TiB2, the micro-hardness and wear resistance are also improved at the room temperature under normal......