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加压氰化液成分 Table 1 Chemical compositions of pressure cyanide solution of flotation concentrate 从表1可以看出,实验所用该浮选精矿加压氰化液主要由贵金属钯,铂及少量贱金属铁,钴,镍和铜构成. 实验所需设备如下:日本HITACHI公司生产的Z-2000型原子吸收光度计, 日本SHIMADZU公司生产... of pressure cyanide: China, CN102808084 B[P]. 2014-04-02. [5] ZHANG Chao, HUANG Kun, YU Pin-hua, LIU Hui-zhou. Salting-out induced three-liquid-phase separation of Pt(IV), Pd(II) and Rh(III) in system......
they were used in combination with hydrogen peroxide, which not only promots cathodic process of gold dissolution but also oxidizes sulfides that are apt to to be oxidized. Key words: gold ores; cyanide...体系中过氧化氢起到了强化阴极过程和氧化硫化物的双重作用. 关键词: 金矿石; 氰化浸出; 重金属; 电化学 中图分类号: TF111.3 文献标识码: A Cyanide leaching of gold ores by heavy metal ions YANG Yong-bin, LI Qian, JIANGg Tao, JIN Yong-shi (Scholl......
Thermodynamics analysis of ferric compound during roasting-preparing process of cyanide tailings ZHANG Ya-li1, 2, YU Xian-jin2, LI Xiao-bin1, ZHANG Li-peng2, LI De-gang2 (1. School of Metallurgical... analyse of ferric oxide reductive and ferric oxide with calcium silicates, fayalite with calcium oxide and Fe3O4 with silicon dioxide during roasting-preparing process, respectively, the thermodynamic......
) Abstract: Recovery of platinum group metals from spent auto-catalysts by pressure alkaline treatment-cyanide leaching was investigated. Influences of changing parameters of process of pressure alkaline treatment on later percent pressure cyanide leaching of PGMs were discussed. The research results indicate that the wrapping of PGMs by catalyst carriers can be destroyed in pretreatment process, and so......
边磨边浸过程中氰化物耗量大的机理探索蓝碧波1(1.福建省龙岩市上杭县紫金矿冶设计研究院)摘 要:对边磨边浸过程氰化物耗量大的原因进行了探索研究.研究结果表明:边磨边浸过程中产生的铁粉会消耗大量的氰化物;此外,在边磨边浸过程中部分氰化物可能水解挥发或被氧化分解.关键词:边磨边浸; 铁; 氰化物耗量; 金浸出率......
; 文章编号:1672-7207(2012)01-0046-08 Process of Fe extraction from high-aluminum and silicon cyanide tailings ZHANG Ya-li1, 2, LI Huai-mei2, YU Xian-jin2, LI Xiao-bin1 (1. School of Metallurgical Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China; 2. College of Chemical Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China) Abstract: A novel process......
:A 文章编号:1672-7207(2020)06-1471-10 Effects of removal of arsenic, sulfur and iron on cyanide leaching of high-arsenic gold concentrate ZHANG Shuanghua1, ZHENG Yajie1, CAO Pan1, LAI Shenzhi2, ZHANG... by roasting, and gold calcine was leached with sulfuric acid to remove iron.The effects of the removal of arsenic, sulfur and iron on gold cyanide leaching of high-arsenic gold concentrate were studied......
氰化物添加系统的改造及效果王宝胜1(1.山东省烟台市莱州市山东黄金矿业(莱州)有限公司三山岛金矿)摘 要:某矿山氰化厂对金精矿氰化浸出加氰化物系统进行自动化改造后,实现了浸出过程中氰化物的添加均衡稳定,氰化物浓度控制在要求值,优化了金氰化浸出指标,降低了氰化物消耗,实现了氰化物无泄露输送,安全环保. 关键词:金精矿氰化; 氰化物消耗; 自动添加; 金浸出率......