Electrochemical process of titanium extraction CH. RVS. NAGESH, C. S. RAMACHANDRAN Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad, A.P. India-500058 Received 20 November 2005; accepted 9...; Abstract: A wide variety of processes are being pursued by researchers for cost effective extraction of titanium metal. Electrochemical processes are promising due to simplicity and being less capital......
Extraction of vanadium from vanadium slag by high pressure oxidative acid leachingGuo-quan Zhang,Ting-an Zhang,Guo-zhi Lü,Ying Zhang,Yan Liu,Zhuo-lin LiuKey Laboratory of Ecological Utilization... friendly manner,this study focuses on the process of leaching vanadium from vanadium slag by high pressure oxidative acid leaching.Characterizations of the raw slag,mineralogy transformation......
Oxidization mechanism in CaO-FeOx-SiO2 slag with high iron content ZHANG Lin-nan(张林楠), ZHANG Li(张 力), WANG Ming-yu(王明玉), SUI Zhi-tong(隋智通) (School of Materials and Metallurgy, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, China) Abstract: Oxidization mechanism in CaO-FeOx-SiO2 slag with high iron content was investigated by blowing oxygen into molten slag so as to oxidize Fe......
in perovskite phase. The addition of CaO and Fe 2O 3 in the slag can increase the precipitation temperature of perovskite phase and observably decrease those of titanium rich diopside and titanium diopside, which is in favor of the precipitation of perovskite phase. Under proper heat treatment condition, about eighty percent of titanium in the slag enrichs in perovskite phase and its average crystal size......
CaO-SiO2-BaO-CaF2 slag[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2016, 26(12): 3299-3304. [10] SAKATA T, MIKI T, MORITA K. Removal of iron and titanium in poly-crystalline silicon by acid... of ratio of slag to metal on Al content in alloy, Al2O3 content in slag and w(CaO+Al2O3)/w(SiO2) after refined at 1500 ℃ 根据反应前后合金中Al含量的质量变化,可以计算得到Al转化率与渣金比的关系,如图3所示.对比Al转化率实验值(图中实线)与利用Factsage软件计算值(图中虚线)可以看......
, China Received 26 July 2011; accepted 13 March 2012 Abstract: Sulfate-modified titanium dioxide-bearing blast furnace slag (STBBFS) photocatalysts were prepared by the high energy ball milling method with (NH4)2SO4 and titanium dioxide-bearing blast furnace slag (TBBFS) as raw materials. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM......
of synthetic rutile from high Ca and Mg type titanium slag by mineral phase reconstruction process DONG Hai-gang1, 2, GUO Yu-feng1, JIANG Tao1, CHEN Jia-lin2, FAN Xing-xiang2 (1...-platinum Metals Co., Ltd., Kunming 650106, China) Abstract: Study on the production of synthetic rutile from high Ca and Mg type titanium slag by adding Na2CO3 roasting for mineral phase......
PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL USING STEEL SLAG S. Zhang1,Y.Z. Lan1,R. W. Smith2,J.K. Wang3 (1.Engineering and Technology Research Institute, Yunnan University,Kunming 650091, China;2.Metallurgical and Materials Department, Nevada University of Reno,NV89503 Nevada, USA;3.Yunnan Metallurgy Group Company Limited, Kunming 650031, China) Abstract:Steel slag is a byproduct produced in large amounts......
含钒转炉渣中和钛白废酸的试验研究钱强1(1.四川省攀枝花市攀钢集团钢城企业总公司 )摘 要:攀钢在钒钛资源综合利用过程中产生了大量的含钒转炉渣和钛白废酸固,液废弃物,通过实施"以废治废"的新型利用理念,在常温下,液固比为5∶1进行配比,浸泡1 h后钒浸出率达到71.16%,酸浸液可作为提钒原料使用,而酸浸渣则可作为石膏替代品,在达到中和目的的同时,实现废弃资源的再利用.关键词:含钒转炉渣; 钛白废酸; 中和; 浸出率; 石膏替代品......