Ab initio STUDIES ON MAGNETISM OF 3d TRANSITION METAL DIMERS J.H. Gu1,Z.L. Zhu1 (1.School of Physical Engineering and Material Physics Laboratory,Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, China... the electronic and magnetic properties of 3d transition metal dimers. It predicted the antiferromagneticity of Cr2 and ferromagneticity of other species. The Mn2 dimer was shown to be ferromagnetic coupling......
The Ductile to Brittle Transition Behavior of the Modified 9Cr-1Mo Steel and Its Laser Welds R.K.Shiue1,C.Chen2,H.C.Wu2 (1.Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Dong Hwa University, Hualien 974, China Taiwan;2.Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Taiwan University, Taipei 106, China Taiwan) 摘要:The ductile to brittle transition temperature (DBTT) of the modified 9Cr-1Mo......
Novel Phase Transition in BaPr2Mn2O7 Hiromi Nakano1,Naoki Kamegashira2 (1.Ryukoku University, Seta, Otsu 520-2194, Japan;2.Toyohashi University of Technology, Tenpaku-cho, Toyohashi 441-8580, Japan... homologous series AO(ABO3)2. In Pr-manganite, a novel phase transition was first observed in situ at 1040 K by a thermal transmission electron microscope. At 1040 K, reflections began to split along the c......