- deposition technique. In this process, the pretreated Ti plate was used as cathode and insoluble electrode as anode with 100 mL electrolyte solution containing 1.753 g SnCl4·4H2O, 0.114 g SbCl3, and 12 mL ethanol solution (analytical reagent) of tetrabutyl titanate (analytical reagent). A constant DC current of 0.12 A was applied for 30 min to electroplate the cathode, and then the Ti plate......
of the adsorbed intermediate [24], whereas other researchers considered that the loop was related to the adsorption/desorption process of intermediates on/from the cathode surface [25]. EPELBOIN et al [26..., the inductive loop is related to the electro- crystallization process of Ni on the cathode surface. Although a number of researchers applied a inductive circuit to describe the electrodeposition behavior......
cell[C]//Bohner H O. Light Metals 1985. New York, NY, USA: The Metallurgical Society of AIME, 1985: 989-1003. [12] Sorlie M, Gran H. Cathode collector bar-to-carbon contact resistance[C]//Cutshall E R......
from a Hallimond tube. The H2 bubbles produced from cathode were used for carrying fine cassiterite particles. The O2 bubbles produced from anode were separated by PTFE diaphragm and exported from... the electrolysis unit. It is seen that the flake graphite and stainless steel wire meshes are used as the anode and cathode, respectively. The negatively charged oxygen ions obtain electrons and release oxygen......
step, the second-phase particles will be loosely adsorbed on the cathode surface by hydrodynamic and electrophoresis forces. In the second step, the ionic cloud will disappear and the particles will be strongly adsorbed on the cathode surface. It can be concluded that the stirring rate of the bath could have two opposite effects on the co-electrodeposited particles content. The first one......
污染,更有利于环保. 图7 正极材料XPS全谱 Fig. 7 XPS full spectra of cathode material 表2 正极材料C元素化学态[25] Table 2 Chemical state of element C of cathode material[25] 图8 正极材料C 1s和F 1s的XPS谱 Fig. 8 XPS spectra of cathode material C 1s and F 1s 同样,负极材料在400 ℃温度下焙烧30 min后,对其进行了XPS全谱分析,其结果如图9所示.在负极材料的XPS全谱中,无论是热处理之前还是之后,主要检测到的元素是C,O,并没有明显的F元素的存在,这说明在球磨过程中其表面的PVDF就已经得到去除.这可能与石墨的性质有关,由于石......
as the anode. The electrolyte is 50 wt.% LiF-LiCl-LiBr (9.6 wt.%:22 wt.%:68.4 wt.%) salt and 50 wt.% MgO binder [19]. The cathode contained 80 wt.% CoS2 and 20 wt.% the electrolyte. The electrolyte and the cathode powder were put in the upper and lower layers together in a die, and were pressed at a pressure of 250 MPa. The diameter of the composite disk of electrolyte and cathode was also......
provides a facile and efficient strategy to further enhance the activity of perovskite oxide as a promising cathode electrocatalyst for the metal-air batteries. Contributors The overarching research goals... Energy Letters, 2017, 2(6): 1370-1377. DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.7b00119. [3] CHENG Fang-yi, CHEN Jun. Metal–air batteries: From oxygen reduction electrochemistry to cathode catalysts [J]. Chemical......
(III) in [P2225][TFSA] using cyclic voltam- metry and electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM). A clear cathode peak was observed at -2.79 V (vs Pt) with a mass change of 140.4 g/mol, which... of the electrodeposit was determined by XRD. As shown in Fig. 7(c), the XRD pattern indicates that the cathode product is composed of Al, Li, and LiAl phases. Among these, the Al phase is attributed......
0.1 mol/L NaCl solution (analytical reagent) was the corrosive medium. Potentiodynamic polarization experiments were done using EG&G potentiostat model 273. Three-electrode system was used... of the EPC alloy (Table 2). Fig.2 Backscattered electron images of Mg-11Gd-3Y alloy at low and high magnification: (a), (b) EPC; (c), (d) MC Fig.3 Polarization curves of MC and EPC Mg-11Gd-3Y......