Controlled patterning of upconversion nanocrystals through capillary forceYiming Wu1,Jiahui Xu1,Xiaogang Liu1,21. Department of Chemistry,National University of Singapore2. The N.1 Institute... assembly of UCNPs.This technique utilizes capillary force to drive hybrid clusters into the physical template,resulting in large-area,spatially ordered arrays of particles.The findings reported......
Robust control of gantry crane system with hoisting: A new solution based on wave motion YANG Tang-wen(杨唐文)1, 2, QIN Yong(秦勇)2, HAN Jian-da(韩建达)3 (1. Institute of Information Science, Beijing... Institute of Automation, Shenyang 110016, China) Abstract: Large load swing of a gantry crane, due to cable flexibility and rapid movement, needs to be controlled. Herein, a wave-based approach interprets......
J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. (2008) 15: 176-182 DOI: 10.1007/s11771-008-0034 -7 Fast preparation of photopolymerized monolithic columns for capillary electrochromatography GONG Wen-jun(龚文君)1... capillary (75 mm inside diameter) to prepare the porous monolithic sol-gel column by a one-step, in situ, process. The chromatographic behavior of the eight PSG columns were comparatively studied, all......
Influence of Absolute Basicity and Capillary Porosity on Carbonation of Concrete巴明芳摘 要:The single influence of capillary porosity and coupling effects of absolute basicity and capillary porosity on concrete carbonation were investigated. The experimental results showed that carbonation rate of concrete at a given absolute basicity (AB) increased......
diagram of capillary rise of tailings dam 通常毛细水上升高度主要采用室内试验[22]和现场试验[23]来确定,关于毛细水上升高度,国内外学者做过许多相关的研究,并提出了诸多估算公式和测定方法,如含水量试验法[24],水分特征曲线法[25]等.但现行比较通用的估算公式为海森公式[26]:  ...保证试样装填均匀,并通过刻度及装填质量计算维持一定的干密度.然后将装有尾矿的有机玻璃柱移入水槽内.打开注水装置的控制阀使溶液进入水槽,并控制水流速度,保证水恰好与尾矿样底部接触,利用虹吸原理保证水槽水位(相当于尾矿坝中的浸润面高度)不变. 图3 毛细水上升试验装置示意图 Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of capillary water rising......
Wave impedance of W-Mo system compositeQiang Shen, Lianmeng Zhang, Hua Tan, and Fuqian Jing1)Laboratory for Shock Waves and Detonation Physics Research, Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics...> W-Mo composites with different mass fractions of W and Mo were prepared at 1473 K by Spark Plasma Sintering technique. The transverse and longitudinal wave velocities of the samples were......
J. Cent. South Univ. (2018) 25: 2131-2142 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-018-3902-9 Unmanned wave glider heading model identification and control by artificial fish swarm algorithm WANG Lei... optimization problems for the "Ocean Rambler" unmanned wave glider (UWG). First, under certain assumptions, the rigid-flexible multi-body system of the UWG was simplified as a rigid system composed......